Hot Weather To Continue Till October - British Heart Fou...

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Hot Weather To Continue Till October

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star
20 Replies

Currently where I am it is 29C and rising so on another day where my walking is comprised. I was none too happy to hear this on the news. When I was at school the August bank holiday seemed to mark the end of summer, darker evenings and back to school (was not a fan). Hopefully it means September will be above average (say 22/23) rather than what we are experiencing.

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MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star
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20 Replies

Utilise the stairs in your home if you have any?

Exercise of any form is better than none at all.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to

I have not given up exercising. It's just a case of I can not do my (increasing length) walks three times a day. It is also uncomfortably warm inside!

Zena166 profile image

I don’t know how you manage in the South I struggle in the North and we are a few degrees cooler and a lot of degrees colder in the winter (which I don’t like either!!). I get up at 0500 and get out early as I really am not sleeping that well so on that basis rather than just lie in bed for the sake of it I get up! Yes September hopefully will be just right. I intend getting a bike thingy so I can put my road bike (which in 5 years I have ridden about 10 times out on the road!) on to make it static with a view to getting more use out of it and doing exercise indoors when I can’t manage outdoors rather than just walking on the spot. We shall see. Hope your recovery is going well in spite of the weather. Take care. Zena x

Shoshov profile image
Shoshov in reply to Zena166

Shopping centres are good in warm and cold weather. Air conditioned and you can walk up and down for hours. That's what I did in February when snow wa on the ground. Hi

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Shoshov

The only problem is the temptation to actually shop!! But yes that’s an option. Although I am just buying a thingymabob (that is a technical term!) to turn my bike into a static bike to use indoors getting ready for the winter!

Shoshov profile image
Shoshov in reply to Zena166

Leave your purse at home. Take enough for a coffee and casket of course

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Zena166

I don't have an easily accessible air conditioned shopping mall or garden centre. The nearest shopping mall feels more like a greenhouse and the only air con'd areas of the garden centres are the cafes! When they have displays of food in 30C+ enviroments I would risk buying. I did walk up and down the aisles of a local supermarket but attracted security as I can't buy much within the weight limit!

Shoshov profile image
Shoshov in reply to MichaelJH

I suppose I take these things for granted. I'm surrounded by them. Get a sign for round your neck telling security your only having your daily walk. They make you so self conscious T times

stevejb1810 profile image

Great headline but the story was a lot less so - they are talking about warm being just a degree or so above the norm (unlike the current conditions). So October will be around 16C rather than 13C.

RamblingAl profile image

Adapt! I have to have to chuckle when I hear so much fuss made about the weather in the UK. I live in Southern Spain and for three months it will not be under 30c only at night and even then sometimes not. We walk in the early morning before the sun is up and in the late evening when it's cooler. During the summer months everything is done slower.

For the past week the temperature has been between 37 - 41c and I see on the UK news reports of how hot it is in Cordoba, it's hot in Cordoba EVERY year.

Karenpr profile image
Karenpr in reply to RamblingAl

Know exactly what you mean, I usually spend my summers in Spain. Everything closed to keep the heat and sun out. Whereas in the U.K. we open the windows and let it in

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to RamblingAl

The issues I had in the heat pre-bypass when I was on BP and anti-anginal medication seemed very much related to hypotension. I am wondering if this is happening again as they removed the anti-anginals and added Bisoprolol. Might be time to buy a new BP monitor - BPs in air-conditioned GP surgery were low

Do you change medication doseage between winter and summer? My GP felt British weather is too unpredictable.

Karenpr profile image

We are walking very early mornings and late evenings. Luckily we have found some woodland walks so in the shade. Yes we are in London so b hot at the moment. Curtains and windows closed to keep out the heat of the day, so can walk around the house as well.

Heartlady1 profile image

I know exactly what you mean. I have just had an op and want to start walking to get my levels up but haven't been able to with the heat. And being indoors has been awful too just trying to keep cool. I am in the south east and thankfully today is pleasantly cool so going to venture out for a walk 😁.

In the evenings I have put a wet flannel on my stomach which has been really effective in helping my whole body cool down. When I start feeling hot again I turn the flannel back over. It seems to work for me.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Heartlady1

I am in the south-east as well. The advice given to me post-bypass and pre-rehab was to gradually do more each day and walk a bit more each day but I was also told "don't push it in the heat". Definitely cooler today as cats are still active after having a lying in and not going out first light. They have more common sense than the dog - he avoids the slightest bit of rain but not the midday sun!

Someone recommended I do laps of the local shopping centre which is air conditioned, so I can do more steps but in the cool. Which it's great, well until I step outside again but it is better than walking in the heat.

Kaz747 profile image
Kaz747 in reply to

It’s winter here (Australia) at the moment so on really wet days I drive to the undercover car park at the local shopping Centre and walk a few laps. It’s recently been extended so each lap is 1.4km.

Zena166 profile image

I really am not moaning honestly! This morning went out for my usual walk and had to wear my fleece with hood up scarf and gloves! Bliss (I think!) The benefits of living in the frozen North! Zena

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Zena166

Still boderline shirtsleeve weather here despite dropping nearly 10C by yesterday morning. I managed two longer walks yesterday (five hours rest in between) but suspect it was a bit to much as I had only managed each individually on the cooler days ten days ago. Will be glad to go for rehab assessment next week as I feel in need of guidance now!

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to MichaelJH

Wishing you well for your further rehab. Yes there’s only so much you can do on your own. Take care. Zena

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