203 days ago I had a heart attack at the end of an 18 mile training run, I was training for a double ultra marathon at the time.
I had known for 25 odd years that I had atrial fibrillation but apart from costing me more on health insurance it wasn't a problem to me, I tried to stay as healthy as I could, hence the running.
I had a stent fitted to my LAD 5 days after my heart attack, and 12 days after that I went for my first run, nervous as hell but I did a mile in 11 minutes and it felt so good to be back doing the sport that I loved.
I have gradually built up my running now, and today for the first time since my heart attack I ran 18 miles 😀 and faster than I ever have before. I been so nervous all week leading up to this run, but it seems that it was all in my head
I know I was very lucky to recover so quickly and I am so grateful to the wonderful NHS for putting humpty Dumpty back together again.
Moral of the story is you can still be you after a heart attack, you just need to carefully and brave