Been looking for travel insurance and finding it difficult answering the blood pressure questions. I have never had high blood pressure infant it’s a little low but I know one I take medication that lowers it. I take it because it’s one I have been told to take as I’ve had stents. But not because I’ve got high blood pressure so what do I answer 🤔
Help: Been looking for travel insurance... - British Heart Fou...
My best advice is to make an appointment to see your GP and ask them. In the very unlikely event that you ever need to make a claim your GP will be asked to complete a medical declaration. By asking your GP you can be sure you declare what they would.
Hope that is helpful
Regards Ron.
I was in exactly the same position. We are going to the US later this year.
I found it easier to ring them to get the quote. If you are just after a guide as to how much it will cost try it with and without that question ticked, then once you make a decision I would ring them.
I'd also recommend checking your bank. I have cover with mine (mainly for the RAC cover the same pack provides), I rang them and they were happy to still insure me with a pre existing condition. You must make them aware of it though.
The coverage they provide is better than the lowest quote I could find (£250+ for the family) and was comparable to the premium covers.
Hi. I phoned the insurance company and asked. They understand that a lot of people are in our position and accept that we are put on this medication to help our hearts but we also have low B.P.
we used staysure (?) my husband has multiple (multiple....) medical issues - but he is covered - I made a list of medications & issues & rang them - they tend to ask things like has he needed treatment/been an inpatient/ etc in the last year for each question wasn't cheap -we did it for year & are making the most of it by doing cheap short breaks in Europe!
I found staysure to be very good when I spoke to them and the best quote too
My doctor told me I have low blood pressure cos of my heart condition.