hi I was prescribed Bisiporal 75mg once a day, then, after another Hospital visit was prescribed Adizem-KL 120mg once a day...I was told to stop the Bisiporal as the beta blocker was included in the Adizem. I went to my Pharmacy and explained the situation because they make up a dosette box for me on a weekly basis. Anyway to cut a long story short, I was taking both Adizem and Bisiporal for at least 8 days, I'm so exhausted now and have little faith in Pharmacy. I don't think I've ever felt this tired before. Could this do any further damage to my heart?? Thanks for reading this.
Beta Blocker Overdose: hi I was... - British Heart Fou...
Beta Blocker Overdose

I am unsure if Adizem is a beta blocker as I was told it was a CCI (calcium channel inhibitor). If it is I am puzzled why I was prescribed it as I had previously been advised that beta blockers were unsuitable for me. After taking it for a while I started to suffer dizziness and nausea and am now on isosorbide mononitrate.
I would do two things if I were you:-
i) Ring your GP. If there are delays then "111".
ii) if possible change your pharmacist. I did this a number of years ago after a number of issues including one that could have put me in hospital or worse.
I suspect that your BP was just overmedicated which can cause dizziness, headaches and tiredness. This can sometimes stress your heart as it may struggle to pump particularly when asleep. I am no expert but suspect there will have been no damage but you need to talk to your GP.
Hi Michael, thanks for your swift reply. The Coronary team definitely told me that Adizem was being prescribed as it was a slow release beta blocker with an added Anti Spasm component. I'll call to speak to someone at Cardiac Rehab regarding the wrong medication. Pharmacist admitted that they had been advised to stop prescribing Beta Blocker but they had made a mistake. I know mistakes happen but am shocked that this could happen regarding essential heart meds.
Hi poppy111
Sorry to hear about the mix up with your dosette box.
As far as we are aware, there won't be any long term damage to your heart by taking Adizem and Bisoprolol. These are different groups of drugs that can be used in combination for some heart patients. Your doctor will be able to answer any questions you have specifically related to this incident.
Best of luck,
Hi Asheigh,
Thank you for replying. It's very reassuring to know that you think that everything is okay. I have to say that I'm still shocked that it happened.
Best regards
I was on Bisiporal for a short while but had very nasty side effects so my doctor prescribed Adizem. I could not take the Adizem until the Bisiporal was out of my system - a two week gap. On Adizem now and all fine.
Bisiporal is that the same as Bisoprolol and 75mg ??
I have been on Bisoprolol 10mg I didn't know it went up to 75mg. Pharmacies seem to be under a lot of pressure at the moment. I just picked up a prescription for a lady with a very similar name to mine. The dispenser asked me for the address and I confirmed it. When I got home opened it up the medication was what I am prescribed Eplerenone Same dose just a different name. I went back to the Chemists and the Pharmacist was shocked to say the least.
I always look to see what has been prescribed is what I have in the bag.
When I leave the Chemists, it looks like I am going on a Picnic the bag is really that big !!!!
Is it 75mg Bisoprolol or 7.5 mg just out of curiosity !!!
I have been worked up to 10mg bisoprolol and advised that this was the maximum dose so guessing 7.5mg x