Newbie: Hi I’m Riohawk and I had a... - British Heart Fou...

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20 Replies

Hi I’m Riohawk and I had a heart attack and cardiac arrest two years ago, ever since I’ve suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, just wandering if anybody else suffers the same and how they cope with it

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20 Replies
Lezzers profile image

Hi Riohawk, 20 years ago my husband had a massive heart attack & cardiac arrest. Was put on life support & I was told that due to lack of oxygen he brain damage was too severe to support life & the ventilator was turned off. Fast forward 20 years he' still here!! At the time however he suffered severe depression & was just waiting to die. He attended cardiac rehab which included counselling & this made a big difference. I would speak to your GP/cardiologist & ask bout counselling. You've had a major trauma in your life it's not surprising you're anxious. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Riohawk profile image
Riohawk in reply to Lezzers

Thank you for your reply, I was lucky in one sense as I was having a stent fitted when I had the cardiac arrest so they managed to revive me before any damage was done, as for my GP I badger her ever week and she has tried alsorts of things to help me but nothing seems to work, I wasn’t offered counciling by the cardiac rehab just exercise which made me worse and I’ve tried to speak to the cardiac consultant but told I have to go through my GP, I need to do something as it’s taken over my whole life, sorry to winge

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Riohawk

Hi, definately Ask your GP, cardiac arrest is very scary & traumatic. If you do Facebook there's a group called sudden cardiac arrest (name says it all) massive support & help there & always helps to talk to people who've been there & understand .

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to Riohawk

I agree with Lezzers says, very good advice. I can't understand why your Gp hasn't already offered councilling if you have been telling her how you are feeling.

Ma u be it is down to budget & they wait for the patient to ask rather than offering.

I hppe you get the right support soon. Very best wishesn to you Jo 😊

Riohawk profile image
Riohawk in reply to Sina-6491

Thank you

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to Lezzers

Your husband must be a very strong man to have come through all that the way he has. Fantastic knowing he has done so well

And you know what they say. Behind every strong man, there must be a strong woman. Well done for being the strong supportive wife, you must be an amazing woman.

I hope you and husband are well. Kind regards Jo 😊😊

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Sina-6491

Thank you so much for your kind words Jo. Life hasn't been without it challenges & unfortunately Kevin was diagnosed with Heart Failure 5 years ago but the heart attack had left him with a badly damaged heart, so not surprising really. Having said that he's done blooming well over the years & hopefully he'll do just as well over the next 20 years. Scary though it is, heart failure isnt the end, Kevin's condition is managed by medication, we've made the necessary adjustments to our life and he lives within the limitations he has. But apart from that, we live a pretty normal life. I assume you're in this group as either you or someone close to you has a heart condition, I hope whoever it is, is keeping well xx

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to Lezzers

Poor guy,

I think sometimes when we have longterm health issues it feels like one thing after the othe.

Yep it's me, I'm the patient, lol!

HT, Stent, Bypass amongst othet things.

Not a great week just past. Felt pretty ill & exhausted all week.

Went for a health assessment yesterday requested by the ESA.

The asseccer had to abandon the assessment just as she was about to do the physical part of the assessment. She took my blood pressure 3 times on two different units. Blood pressure was pretty high. She didn't want any incidents on her watch bless her.

Out of hours doctor upped my Ramerpril. I have rested up today to give the meds time to do their thing.

Feeling much better than I have for the last week. So hopefully exercise and out walking tomorrow, back to normal.

Good for you and your husband, you have got the right idea, positivity. 😊😊😊

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Sina-6491

Sorry to hear how poorly you've been feeling. It can take time to get the medication right. Hope you continue to improve xx

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to Lezzers

Oh thank you.

Yes been down this road few times before lol.

Hopefully it's just a blip and I'll be back down to my normal does soon 😊

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Sina-6491

Hi Sina-6491, in you last post you said you had HT, what is that? If you don't mind me asking xx

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to Lezzers

No worries lovey, I myself don't know what most of the ebreaviated versions used on here are.

I don't know if HT means the same to others on here.

But to me HT means (Heart attack) 😊😕😊

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Sina-6491

seconds ago

ah ok. Lots of abbreviations! BP blood pressure, HF heart failure!! It goes on, very confusing x

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to Lezzers


I'm such an idiot and brain really has gone to mush. It is HA not HT lol!

Sorry it took a while to correct this, new Virgin bow not playing ball 😊

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Sina-6491

Virgin bow???? Almost too scared to ask what that is!!! Xx

Sina-6491 profile image
Sina-6491 in reply to Lezzers


I am at it again, virgin Tv box 😗

Riohawk profile image

Ok I will take a look thank you

Lezzers profile image

I'm also happy to chat anytime you feel the need x

stevejb1810 profile image

In a word ‘counselling’! You’re GP should be able to help you but if the NHS doesn’t come good, and it doesn’t always as NHS counselling can take a while to get, you can always go privately. In the grand scheme of things it’s not especially expensive and worth every penny if it helps you resolve your issues. I am not a counsellor by the way, just in case you thought I might self promoting.

InBed profile image


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