completely overwelmed: so I'm currently... - British Heart Fou...

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completely overwelmed

lizzie1986 profile image
21 Replies

so I'm currently sat in hospital after suffering quite a substancial heart attack on Tuesday at the age of 31. I have an 18 month old baby and I'm finding it tough to say the least. I am waiting on some kind of treatment tomorrow during the angiogram, however, as a mother, a full time police officer and someone who suffers from anxiety and depression I have no idea how I am going to move on from this. any advice would be gratefully received...

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lizzie1986 profile image
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21 Replies
kefalonia1 profile image

Oh Lizzie so sorry, you will get through this but it takes a long time. You sound very worried and we all understand! l know everyone says you are in the best place but you don`t want to be there at all. You must be prepared for a long S**T journey ahead and you are young so try and be positive, we are all behind you and sending our love. Sue xxx PS, this is an amazing site for help and support from lovely people, Keep in touch honey.!

bowler profile image

So sorry to hear of your heart attack at your age. I wish you well and a speedy recovery. Perhaps you also need to look at your future as a police officer which must be a very stressful job, especially as you say you already suffer with stress and anxiety which doesn't help with your job and situation, easy for me to say as a retiree. Do let us all know how you get on.

PhilipH profile image

Lizzie, the way the NHS works its best to consider just one step at a time. The angiogram is a critical diagnostic tool so the doctors can decide what caused the attack and how they can best treat you. So, you’ll learn a lot when the angiogram is completed.

If you have questions it’s a good idea to write them down and have them handy.

So good luck for tomorrow and don’t worry about the angiogram - it’s a doddle.

lizzie1986 profile image

thanks everyone. I've had a lot if time to think whilst in hospital and I can see where I can improve things in my life , however, the stress this has brought is just so hard. I feel like I am only just coping and have moments of absolute despair. I really want tomorrow do e with so I can get some answers and hopefully begin to move forward. I will keep you posted x

Andie1975 profile image

Hi Lizzie I can totally relate. I had a heart attack nearly 4 weeks ago aged 42 and then stents fitted a couple of days later. The procedure isn't bad and I'm very anxious generally. Don't look too far ahead live day to day and you will get through this. Please know you are not alone in all of this. Sometimes words don't offer much comfort but at other times you get a feeling that things will be okay and your mood will lift. It's amazing what they can do now medically and I was told the fact I am young really weighs in my favour so you have even more youth on your side. What has helped me cope is meditation, I know it sounds daft but meditate every day and you will feel a shift in your anxiety. What helps me is that I believe everything happens for a reason. I was extremely stressed at work, not eating that well and having too much wine and I don't exercise enough. I can see now that the dust has settled this has actually done me a favour as I wouldn't have had the motivation to change. Take as much time away from work as you need, be as loving to yourself as you can and don't see this as the end like I did initially. You will come through this. Take all the help you can, rehab, counselling etc. I'm nearly 4 weeks on and by no means feel happy about things but I do feel a strange sense of life having more meaning now, something good will come from this. Sorry if I have rambled on a bit, I just wanted to reach out as I really felt for you when I saw your post.

Your not alone Lizzie, take care and tomorrow you will get sorted, youre in good hands. Let us know how you get on X


lizzie1986 profile image
lizzie1986 in reply to Andie1975

thank you so much for this... it actually made me cry.. u are spot on! I've just downloaded an app called headspace which I am hoping will help me relax and hopefully get some sleep tonight at least! I'm so glad to hear that you are coming out the other side and that I'm not alone in all of this. I will let you know the outcome for me and wish you a continued recovery. I can see that physically healing will be difficult but mentally the scars will remain for a very long time x

Andie1975 profile image
Andie1975 in reply to lizzie1986

Bless you, I cried typing it as I know what your feeling and its a lonely feeling and yes the heart is a resilient muscle but it's our emotions that are much more fragile. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, rest easy, try to relax in the knowledge it will all be done and dusted tomorrow X

Carlobar profile image

Hope this helps, had my HA 6 months ago with 2 stents fitted, I was an active runner and cyclist.

Best bit of advice, take you time, really rest, personally first couple of months are hard, it messes your head up totally, month 4 I turned the corner, month 5 back cycling and running.

Now here’s the good bit....... 6 months after the HA I’m back at work as a fully operational firefighter, also back as a crew member on an RNLI lifeboat.

So rest up, research your condition and think...... there is a future for you no doubt, use whatever help the Police can offer too.

One last thing, I did a huge post on here, bit like a diary, look it up, it may help, if you can’t find it let me know and I’ll repost it for you.


Lizziepea01 profile image

Hi Lizzie,

So sorry to hear this, I think the shock that something like this can happen to you and change your life overnight, is not only stressful but overwhelming. It wouldn’t be normal not to be frightened and anxious.

I came across this site only a month ago, it is so comforting to know there is always someone who can give advice or their experiences day and night. Our families try so hard but how can they really know? I also found the chat with a Cardiac Nurse very helpful and reassuring.

Wishing you well tomorrow and hopefully you will have some answers also.

Lizziepea x

Atky profile image

Hi I had a severe heart attack 10 weeks ago and had 4 stents fitted. The best advice I can offer is to listen to the medical staff and follow their advice. Go to the cardio Rehab sessions and there is always someone at the end of a phone to offer you guidance and assistance.

KazSumm profile image

Hi Lizzie wow 😲 such a lot to take in, I know how shocked and overwhelming you must feel, I was at work in the morning and by the afternoon being told I need open heart surgery and I was being kept in hospital, had no idea I had a heart problem, it was so surreal , I kept expecting to be told it was a joke. This is how I looked at it, thank god it’s been found and I’m a live, as it could of been a totally different story. While in hospital I had every test going the best possible MOT and know there’s nothing else lurking around which could cause other health problems . I am now 16 wks post op , back at work . It makes you look at your life differently and that’s a good thing, because from now on you will concentrate on the good things in your life that make you happy, the rest you will tolerate but not get stressed about. I’m sure being a Police Officer( total respect)you will have a great support network , take your time to recover, don’t feel guilty , let people help you for a change. You have youth on your side and will recover quickly, I’m 57 and probably not as fit as you but I recovered from my op really deep breaths , keep calm, you can do this . Sending big Hugs 🤗 Kaz❤️💕❣️

Jaycey profile image

This whole process is daunting for anyone - let alone someone so young with a child to worry about.

You will move on from this but give yourself time. I found the stay in hospital waiting for my angioplasty and stents the most stressful time I have ever experienced. Depression and anxiety was constant.

I wish you all the best with your procedure. Please do keep us updated!

gal4God profile image

Praying. A amorogram isn’t that bad. I’m the same age as u and had loads of them.

Shandypants profile image

Hi Lizzie, I’m sorry to hear that you have been through this. I had my ha three weeks ago and had an angiogram the day after. I only found this site a few days ago and have found the advice and support from people who have been through similar circumstance amazing. Everything is still daunting but I’ve taken it as a wake up call I know there are areas of my life I need to change. Rest, recover, don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t do something that came easily before and remember your still here! Take care Tania

Heartlady1 profile image

Hi Lizzie.... so sorry to hear about your HA and of course you will be in shock and worrying about the future. So just want to hopefully give some reassurance, as others have, that there is life after a HA.

I was 32 and my son was 1 year old when I had my HA. ( that was 22 years ago) in the last 22 years things have come along way and there is more help than ever .... to allow you to have a great quality and long life after a HA.

The main thing right now is focus on yourself..... rest as much as you can... and let family and friends help as much as you can with your little one.

I hope you get more answers after your angiogram tomorrow. You are in the right place..... the place that will help you recover....and move forward again all the very best Karen xxx

Nicky3 profile image

Hi lizzie,

Sorry to hear that you had an MI so young. I had one at 42 and felt too young too my boys were 13 and 15 then. They asked me if I had any stress I am a bit sarcastic so said "no only a child with Autism who doesn't sleep". So they said they couldn't understand why I had an MI to begin with!

It is an overwhelming time you will all be in shock you will come to terms with it in time. You are probably scrared about the angiogram and they may put in stents if needed. Don't worry just ask for the happy juice I have had one without and one with. What a difference I wouldn't have cared if he had told me he was cutting my arm off! Tell them you are anxious it is understandable and they will talk you through it. Having a baby is way way more painful like a thousand times so take the drugs!

Do not rush back to work like me take time put yourself first and recover. Do not be a martyr take the help other people offer. You will feel knackered just showering and doing a few mundane things. Remember you are lucky some people don't survive and you have. We now have medecine that has improved over the years and you will be monitored.

Take care of yourself you will be fine.


lizzie1986 profile image

so just to give an update. I had the angiogram and they found my arteries to be fine.. great news! however, my bloods are still showing damage has occurred somehow ( triponin is up to 2200) . they now think this is related to a virus, infection or anti body attacking my heart. my heart is enlarged and therefore not pumping right but things do seem to be looking up. I now await an mri scan for more info and I suppose only time will tell if this will correct itself or if I will be on meds for the rest of my life xx

Shandypants profile image
Shandypants in reply to lizzie1986

Glad the angiogram went well, hope the scan sorts out what is wrong and you are back home soon x

laura_dropstitch profile image
laura_dropstitchHeart Star

Hi Lizzie. I was diagnosed with heart failure when I was 31. I was pregnant at the time, so can relate to how scary and difficult it is to be going through a major health event with a small child to look after. I am six years on from diagnosis and my daughter and I are both doing well and enjoy a very happy life together. I'm on lifelong medication and have a device fitted to help my heart work better, but none of this has stopped me being a hands-on mum. As Heartlady said, accept any help that is offered to you, look after yourself first and foremost just now. Longer term, you might want to look at adjusting the balance of work/home/other in your life, but you will be able to find a mix that works for you, this doesn't have to change who you are or stop you doing the things you love. It's great that you've found this community already, you are by no means alone in this, as you can see from all the replies above! Good luck with your remaining tests and do keep us all posted x

Allyboy1973 profile image

Hi Lizzie,

I had a heart Attack at 40 having 2 young girls I went through all the emotions am I going to see them grow up walk them down the aisle see grandkids etc . There was a point this was all I could think about I would recommend finding someone to speak to I'm 4 years post heart attack and 2 double heart bypasses on . 1 never worked due to an undetected genetic issue . I'm back at work have had 18 months issue free . Though still worry at times about not being here for my girls this does ease with a bit of time and adjusting your mindset but talking about things helps . I wish you the best .


Sootycat profile image

I have to admit I feel just the same 4 weeks on. In a daze of unreality.

But I am 60.

You are young and strong and my guess is the baby will keep you going. The maternal instinct is so strong just the daily routine will take up a lot if your worrying time.

You sound brave and to do the job you have been doing you certainly must be.

I have a feeling you will deal with this and I hope you have the support of good friends and family.

Good Luck

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