It’s been 15 weeks this Thursday since my AVR heart surgery, and I’m 3 weeks into rehab, and going into my second week back at work, thank god it’s only part time as I’m shattered when I get home lol. I’ve not had any follow up from my cardiologist, last week I went for a echocardiogram and thought I’ll get an appointment next to see him, and today I got a letter which I had to read twice, my appointment is for May 2018 that’s 10 month after my operation, I was told it would be 10/12 weeks after my op. My only conclusion is he’s looked at my results and seen that Peppa Pig Value is working ok and there’s no need to see me. I have no problems, but after such a big event it would have been reassuring to hear it from them. Well that’s my moan 😂 thanks for reading. Everyone take care. Kaz❤️💕❣️
Amusement and a little worried - British Heart Fou...
Amusement and a little worried

Hi Kaz
Thats really disgraceful..i really thought you are meant to be seen 6 weeks after surgery or thats how it works up at James cook hospital.
I would be asking why as it could be a mistake.i am sure of it.
Hope you aren't tiring yourself too much
Take Care
Jenny x

I would check, I had a follow up six weeks after, nothing since mind.
So pleased you are making excellent progress. It gives pre-op folks encouragement and reassurance. Best of luck Margaret xx
Good to hear you are doing so well bless you. Hope you continue to do so and solve the mystery of such a long wait post op.
Dory xxx💕
I would ring up you are suppose to see them 6 weeks post op. Follow this up. Sometimes these appointments are made and cardiologists have no idea this is happening. It just gives you peace of mind and the chance to ask about the future.
Keep us updated
Well since that post, I’ve had a letter from my cardiologist saying the echocardiogram was fine and everything was working as it should, and he’ll see me may 2018, so I must still be under the hospital till then. since leaving hospital I’ve only ever seen my GP and rehab nurse . Just hope I don’t come down with swine fever 🤒 have a good evening Kaz💕❤️💖