Had 12 hr holter fitted 3 weeks ago and today received text from go surgery to book an appointment holter ECG result only to be told no appointments ready til next week even for phone consultation....painc n worry is sky high what if it's serious
Worried : Had 12 hr holter fitted... - British Heart Fou...

I think it does depend on your gp practice as to waiting times etc. Mine have changed for the worse in a few years in part because a lot more patients have joined the practice but there is only one more doc. to cope with these people but they can answer questions on the phone ,still have emergency slots daily and you can see a gp withing a couple of days if it is urgent.
If yours is particularly bad try and find a better practice if at all possible.
Reception said it's 2 weeks b4 I can speak to Dr....but if it's urgent why can't I speak to Dr sooner it's my heart after all x
Did you ask to speak to a specific doctor? It would be worth saying you will see anyone. Meantime try not to worry. I know it's hard. I'm the same just now. Had an ECG yesterday and t old the nurse I'm getting very breathless and worried because after my HA I was told I had 2 more blockages at 64% but not bad enough to stent. Worried now they could have got worse. Her reply was " It's good that you were worried". I'm left wondering if she just meant it was good to keep a check on it or whether she'd seen something on the ECG. It took her absolutely ages to do it and she kept tapping in different settings. Previous ECGs have only taken around 30 seconds. No point me worrying until I hear from the doctor but of course I do. Ring your practice early in the morning and insist you need a same day appointment about a heart problem. NO more detail. They should at least give you a same day phone call.
If it was super serious they'd likely have either told you to come in that day or referred you urgently to a cardiologist. It's likely to be a follow up.
it can be worrying to have to wait for results in this way, but if anything urgent had showed up you would normally be invited for an appointment as soon as possible - that would be clear on your notes and you would be offered an urgent appointment
when a routine appointment only id offered it usually means that nothing of concern has shown up, but they want to talk it through and maybe give other advice
If it was serious the GP would have rung and spoken to you, not got the receptionist to text you to invite you to make an appt.
waiting is awful & I totally get your anxiety but in a strange way you could look at is as reassuring?!
If it was ultra serious the GP or hospital wouldhave had you in immediately. There is always room at a surgry for an urgent appt otherwise these days thenorm seems to be 2-3week wait!
Take a deep breathe and tell yourself its ok no major probs 👍🏽
Do let us know how you get on when you are finally seen 🫶🏽
Thanks to u all for replying I will update when I have spoken to Dr tomorrow X now I'm waiting on chest CT scan result 😨😨😨
Also got me booked in for dexa scan of bones they said I should have had my first when I was 50 n every 5 yrs to check how strong my bones r due to menopause X it's been 9n half yrs since my very last period tmi I know X
I have non specific st- t (I think that was it) change show on ecg and a st elevation indicating eschemia on holter was referred to cardiologist. He checked me over and felt holter is only good for rhythm and ecg changes are non threatening. That was a few years ago. I have been to the er for panic attacks in the past so maybe linked. On an antidepressant and have been good for awhile. It is good to have it checked out.
They always follow up with these even if there is nothing in the results just so they can explain things. They aren't worried otherwise they would be ringing you, I promise
The CT scan will show anything untoward but again, they would get back to you ASAP if there was anything of real concern. I know it's so easy for people to say not to worry, but, here we all are saying it!
I have found when waiting for results to just find things you enjoy that will distract you. I do little craft things like mucking around with flowers or going in the garden (if that's an option) or, giving the house a really good spring clean - it' Easter - the perfect time!
Take care,
Rosie x