A quick update: Back after a mixed... - British Heart Fou...

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A quick update

ccwh70 profile image
16 Replies

Back after a mixed weekend, hope everyone is well. So carrying on from my last post.... I stopped taking my statin on Friday after seeing a gp and discussing the muscle aches I'd been getting. He suggested a couple of weeks off to see if anything improves. Now it may be a coincidence but I slept 6+ hours Friday and Saturday night after weeks of getting 2 or 3.

So Sunday I felt a little better, the sun was out, well there was cloud but it was mostly sunny. I knew I needed to get out and walk as I've really not been doing enough. My partner Caroline drove us down to the prom which is nice and flat so we could do a little walk.

I managed a slow walk and by the time we'd wandered, stopped for a rest then wandered back we'd covered maybe 4km or so. I felt a little tired but not bad at all. We then popped to a local cafe and had a sandwich which was really nice, just doing Normal things. After that we popped to her mothers to pick up a few plants that had been left there. Unfortunately I started flagging a bit late afternoon and We had to leave to head home.

Then last night I had another awful night sleep and woke up at 4.30am with a headache and seriously bad aches in my neck, left shoulder, left arm. My stomach was also gurgling like a lunatic again with the really bad hunger type pangs I've been getting. Unfortunately this carried on throughout today and I've had a lot of pain when breathing in my shoulder, neck and top of left arm. It feels like muscular pain but I've no idea why, I've lifted nothing or even put any strain on it. It also hurts when I swallow a bit which makes me think it's coming down from the neck muscles/nerves. So after yesterday's euphoria today has been polar opposite, pain, feeling unwell, depressed.

My friend said to me today, remember it's only 4 weeks from the operation and half of that you've had in hospital, it takes time... which I know but it's still a bitter pill to swallow. I'd just like a few days strung together where I feel things are improving. I've just had a warm soak, now have a hot water bottle on my shoulder and laying in bed whilst my heart continues to skip and flutter. I know you shouldn't wish away the days but roll on 3 months, 6 months...

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ccwh70 profile image
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16 Replies
Heather1957 profile image

Fingers crossed re the Statins, luckily when I changed mine I was fine.

I too am suffering on my left side, some muscular pain and it feels like I have a stitch in my heart (sounds odd) also when I sit down it hurts my back on the left side too and I have to ease myself down gently. but I am confident with rest it will go.

When I was poorly about 3 weeks ago I had the same symptoms x 100 but they went, I now associate all my aches and pains with driving, though it is getting better.

I would guess you overdid it which is why you are now suffering.

I refused to associate my problems with the driving (and walking lots) but having gone through it (and packing a hospital bag :-) ) I do think that you may have just done too much and you now need a few days to get some strength back.

When I had my problem I had been discharged and it was nearly 7 weeks post op, you are not there yet.

Rest your body, it has gone through a trauma and don't push yourself too much. It is telling you to stop so listen to it.

Take it from one who suffered :-) You will get there but just take it easier.

ccwh70 profile image
ccwh70 in reply to Heather1957

I think you're right, my brain is telling me I'm fine, I see myself in the mirror and I look ok. But my body says otherwise! I may be trying to run before I can walk... time to knock it down a gear. I'm due to start cardiac rehab in a couple of weeks, not even sure I'm ready!

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to ccwh70

I was absolutely ready for rehab before I drove for the first time (I am not going until 31st Aug) and I am again now, I drove yesterday (not much) and about a mile today and am now suffering.

When you go to rehab tell them how you feel either they'll delay it or start you on gentler exercises.

We may look okay but sometimes I feel like an old crock! :-)

Try and take it easy, put your feet up and recharge! That's what I am going to do tomorrow!

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star

Hi there, I'd say you overdid it but so glad you're up and about. Alas it is a long process but you are on the way back. 4km so soon after I admire you, rest up and you'll come back stronger

Sina-6491 profile image

Yes I agree with the other guys, I think you have over done it.

Evan though you think you haven't strained or pulled any mussels.

Just the fact that you would be walking slightly differently due the mussel trauma your heart has recently been through. Would put a strain on your neck, shoulders & arms. And the chest discomfort lasts a fare while.

Mine still gives me jip if I get up from laying down etc.

My usual advice though, is make notes of ( time, where, when & what you was doing ) at time of concerns.

That way you, your Gp & the cardiac unit can build a picture/patten to see if there is any issues.

Just think of the broken arm business.

You can see the plaster :)

You'll see, you'll be out running everyone before you know it.

Chin up now 😊😊

Madgranny2 profile image

Statins Aarrgh. Mine are staying in thee box, the problems I've had with muscle pain, lethargy, depression with so many different ones over the years.

I have seen a Lipid specialist and lots of people are just not suitable to them.

It's not always down to the drugs but.....

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

Hi. Good for you, trying to get your life back!

But SLOWLY! One of my tricks now, though I still can easily overdo it, is to try and do just one normal thing a day. Like you, I love to feel back in the swing of things, not such a crock.

But my worst mistakes are to start off too quickly, or to go on too long. 'just one more thing.....while I'm feeling good...' is my lethal, inner voice!

Sounds like it took ages for you recover from that busy day, so it's worth getting it right-ish.

I'm looking for some pointers..... so let us know how you get on.

Good pacing!

Heather1957 profile image

Well I hope you are feeling better today as I think it is my turn to suffer.

I had some pain and discomfort yesterday but today I am i agony and I mean agony! The pain is horrendous in my chest (left) when I take a breath, I can't find a comfortable position on my back and my shoulder, neck and back are agony - apart from that I am fine :-)

I have taken 2 cocodamol about an hour ago but so far they have not kicked in.

The reason I posted was your last sentence about wishing your life away as I am watching a Christmas NCIS and I am perched here thinking 'role on Christmas'. Surely it will be better then.

I do hope you are feeling better today, I have not been out today, in fact it was too painful to get dressed.

Hopefully we can look forward to good/great days ahead.

ccwh70 profile image

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you've had a tough day. My day yesterday turned into the now usual farce. I went to see my gp in the morning as I was in agony when I got up. My pains have developed, if I take a deep breath, burp, swallow.. I get sharp pains shooting across my stomach, shoulder, arm, neck. It's very painful and lasts a few seconds. Anyway the gp wanted me to get checked at the emergency clinic at hospital because of my history. That's not A&E but a clinic which is much quicker and better. They refused to see me so the gp reluctantly sent me to A&E. Waste of time... 5 hours in there, not one person examined me, all they wanted to do was check my heart and ignore everything else. 2 ecg later and 4 hours gone... no conclusions. So they do a chest X-ray.. another hour. It looks ok... I get sent home with painkillers!

No one checked my gut or arm, shoulders etc.. I was in bed by 7.30 feeling quite unwell. Woke up an hour ago and I hurt all over. Could it be related to the operation? Possibly.. could be a bug, could be something else entirely. I'm concerned because I started getting abdominal pains in May before my heart issues and I'm still getting them. Think I need yet another gp visit and referral.

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to ccwh70

A reply for both CCWH and Heather, I am amazed at the lack of follow through at your local A&E and GP, I understand the lack of resource etc. but really they should listen to what you are telling them and not concentrate on your heart. I still think you should go back and pointedly ask about your abdominal pain, your arm and shoulder pain.

Heather, another trip to the GP, it can't be correct that after a period of light exercise you are suffering so badly for days after, I would expect fatigue but not the pain you are describing.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to skid112

For the first time since the op I was up at 2.30 am taking pain killers, this is crazy as for 6 weeks things were relatively good and pain free but recently if I drive or walk I suffer like Hell. I have a high pain threshold but last night it was unbearable at least the pain killers allowed me to sleep.

It has eased this morning, my neck still hurts quite a lot and there is a sharp pain in the left side of my chest if I take a deep breath or sniff or cough etc.

The GP insists a bypass is a big op and that as I heal different things will hurt but I seem to be going backwards which makes me very despondent.

Just about to pop 2 pills which luckily are helping but honestly I don't know how much more I am supposed to take but a visit to the GP seems to be a waste of time.

My symptoms are very different from CCWH and I know we have had big procedures but when does it get better long term and not have all this on the way,

Sorry to moan but bad night last night.

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to Heather1957

you are allowed to moan, but I have to tell you, you are far in front of where I was at this time post op. I know it seems a long journey, longer with setbacks, but to be positive look how far you walked, at what you achieved a few days ago. You will get back stronger than before but, this is the big but, learn from your body, if you over do it and then are laid up for days, remember that. Do a mile and a half walk instead, then rest, if you feel up to a little light exercise later that day then make sure its light then rest. That rest is the best thing you and your body needs. Your posts and your experiences are an inspiration to others, we are all willing you along and thank you for all your help

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to skid112

Thanks but everything (pain wise) started when I started driving, I was walking already by then. It seems every time I drive I have days of pain and discomfort but the pain this time has been excruciating, it is never in the same place though. As I live alone and I also intend to do some assessment work in the future I need to be able to drive. I just look forward to the days when I can drive without having to face the consequences.

I am having to cancel get together's with friends having said I will meet them as my recovery is so up and down.

Anyway enough of my moaning I am feeling a little snooze coming on, it is the after effects of a rough night and pain killers.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to ccwh70

You need to push to get this sorted, it just cannot be right! I really feel fr you, it is enough to go through what you have without more.

ccwh70 profile image
ccwh70 in reply to Heather1957

I tried to get a gp appointment this morning, no chance. So I've decided all I can do is try and rest today and hope I can get an appointment tomorrow instead. My only other choice is A&E and that's pointless. I've also sent a long email to the gp surgery running over yesterday and requesting referral to get my issues investigated. Whether that will happen I don't know. I've realised from the last couple of months that the NHS is sadly broken. Archaic processes, inefficiencies, under funded, under resourced and living in the 1950s still. My gp who has looked after me for the last 5 years is from Germany, he is leaving at the end of this month because he knows the NHS is a dead end and Brexit. He told me yesterday that in Germany post bypass you'd have support for at least 4 weeks to monitor you, make sure you're doing the right amount of exercise etc.. My uncle in Belgium said his friend had something like 30 physio sessions after his bypass. In the UK the patient doesn't come first anymore, procedures, statistics and money do. I've watched our local surgery slowly fall apart as more and more doctors leave and replacements can't be found. Today there are 2 doctors on apparently, that's a joke based on the size of the area it covers. At least 3 of the 5 gps are part time and it can take 3 weeks to get an appointment with them. Anyway rant over... I just despair at what's happened to the health service that for decades was the envy of the world.

Heather1957 profile image
Heather1957 in reply to ccwh70

I think it seems to vary from location to location as to how you get treated, I will not get involved with Brexit and NHS as the NHS was fine before Brexit when it was designed for the people of Britain. Too much politics as it is.

I agree that where to turn is non existent although my GP appointments seem to be easier, we phone at 8.30 for and emergency appointment and as long as you are prepared to travel you could go to 5 different locations, we can also ask for a GP to call you back.

The thing I have found is that it is anticipated so many things can happen during recovery and that no matter what is wrong with you the DR will blame the operation and advise you to take it easy.

I really would like an appointment with a cardiologist and give him/her all my symptoms and hope there will be some feedback.

I have to admit I thought there was some medical input on here but I haven't seen any medical advice from anyone in the field maybe I am missing it.

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