Hi I had emergency aortic valve replaced oct 15 and a single CABG , I k ew I had artic sternisus and planning surgery but I detonated quickly ( quite scary how quick it happened ) I was 57 at the time , had surgery but my family had two in the morning callti say I was bleeding too much and needed to go back to Theater to be reopened again .
I was in a coma ventilated so had no idea but my poor husband and daughter ( she ITU nurse so it was terrible for her as she was thinking all sort of things ) any way came round and was in for ten day as they sorted out my warfin . I had a mechanical valve as I was young , however my warfin has been so fragile it swings all the time , I kind of got on top I self test and have supply of injections if I'm too low ,
But in Feb went too high with my INR and had a bleed in my knee joint , thus was the most painful experience in my life , I rather give birth and have chest drained Taken out at the same time . Than have that bleed again,
Seems if my INR goes up to 4.5 I bleed in my knee this happened twice !! And there is no alternative at the moment to warfin ,
Still I'm alive , I also starred pilates to get stronger core and knee muscle , however I noticed pain in the left side if my chest when breathing deep breaths !!! I didn't feel heart more bone scaring ? The joys of open heart surgery lol