Has anyone found a bra that is comfortable. I've been wearing bra tops and my mam made me cotton pads to attach to the strap but they have little support these tops. I was wondering about a sports bra which might have wider straps? Jen
Comfortable bra after pacemaker - British Heart Fou...
Comfortable bra after pacemaker

Never had a pace maker but found sports bra's to be good after having a medrontic reveal implantation. Not sure how helpful it would be for you as reveals are normally positioned slightly differently to a packer but I am sure someone will be along soon.
How are you finding your Reveal device as regards functioning ?I suspect mine has not been set up & monitored correctly & nobody wants to know .This is worrying when have no Integrated Service or can alert Medics early re this as my GPs don't seem to want to know saying one thing at time ??!
My reveal was removed three years ago. It was put in early 2013 and removed late 2015. It was the old model that had no wireless data upload capacity at all. I had to attend the hospital for the data to be down loaded. Mine never did show anything- but this was not surprising given I was completely symptom free. Never really had arrhythmia symptoms. It was implanted because I fainted, and whilst faints are normally innocent my congenital heart defect is associated with increased risk of ventricular tachycardia and sudden death. So people wanted to be triply sure it was just a faint.
This said the instruction was quite clear, if ever I had used the patient activation device I was to ring and request an appointment.

For the first few weeks I went braless whenever I could, or moved the left strap over onto the edge of my shoulder. After the device settled in (which did take maybe a few months, to be honest) any bra was fine and I'm not aware of it at all now. Hope you get to that stage before too long.
[Just thinking, do M&S maybe do wide-strapped vests with some built-in support? That might work.]
Bravissimo do supportive underwired bras. Mine is fine eight weeks after pacemaker fitting