Hi I have been a member of the BHF since having a Heart attack 7 years ago and look forward to sharing my journey with a new group.
Old member!: Hi I have been a member of... - British Heart Fou...
Old member!

Hi Geoff. I too am an old member having joined the BHF community after my quad bypass 22 months ago. I am well but still have days when I seem to lack confidence, (inconceivable before my heart attack and op) I made very good progress physically but was totally unprepared for the psychological aspect, the fearful feelings that the whole thing may happen again. I'd love to get back to my old happy-go-lucky self and I do try to talk sternly to myself. I really don't like this cowering in the corner person. Has anyone else reading this experienced a similar reaction and how did you deal with it? I have loving and supportive children (all grown up) and being a widow I live alone. I'd never been ill before this. I just want the old me back- warts and all x
Hi Joy, lovely to see you over here, thanks for joining us!
Sorry to hear that you're struggling with your confidence, that must be difficult. Reading your post made me think of this article from BHF's Heart Matters magazine, so I wanted to share it with you in case it's helpful. Just a few small tips that might help you build yourself up again.
Hope you find that useful! I'm sure you'll get some good advice from others on the community too.
Take care,
Jo, thank you so much for your reply. I didn't realise that the problem of loss of confidence after heart surgery is so widespread: I thought it was just me and have been feeling a failure at my inability to pull myself together. Especially as I'd made such good progress otherwise, and that I was a very confident lady previously. I'm setting myself some goals and I do hope I will see some posts from others to see how others have coped. The articles you pointed me to have been a great help too so thank you for that. Joy
Hi Geoff - welcome! I'm so pleased you decided to come over to our new home and join us, lovely to have some of our past members on board.
Looking forward to seeing you around the community

This Photo was taken for the BHF booklet 'Returning to Work after a Heart Attack. I was given the honour of being chosen to tell my story in the booklet hoping it helped others. I have now retired at the age of 65. I have been so busy since retiring I dont know how I fpund time to work.