I am currently on methotrexate, folic acid and leflunomide for my PSA and have recently had my leflunomide upped as it wasnt doing anything.
I know the UK is incredibly muggy right now because of our awful weather but I was wondering if any of these meds make it to a point where the heat affects us more? I feel like I am melting constantly, day and night. I cant sleep well at the moment anyway because we cant find the right meds and ive just been told i have dysplasia and a pincer deformity, my hips are so bad as a result.
I am drinking so much to try and cool me down but it is doing nothing but make me need to wee a lot more. I cant call my rheumy until monday since its an answerphone service that is only mon-fri 9-5 but i am curious as to what you guys use to cool down?
ive tried cool/cold showers but they dont help temp wise and make me more stiff, my fan is just blowing hot air back at me, so im kind of out of options.