Hello hello hello,
My name is Austin and I am brand new to this group. I'm 28 years old, just moved to Madison, WI and large and in charge. Well large, at least.
I'm struggling with making friends in a new place and that has made it hard on me to feel like I want to take care of myself. I'm pushing through anyway.
I recently got a book called the Biohacker's Guide to Upgraded Focus and Energy by Anthony DiClementi that I hope will help with my weight loss goals. Looking to try out a plant based diet and work hard to bring out the inner stud muffin I believe myself to be.
I'm at around 40% body fat and have about 100 lbs to lose. Looking to make friends and do some mutual cheerleading and hoping to hear from some of you.
For those reading, I hope your day has been a wonderful one!
Until next time,