I have never been very thin ever in my life but I have not had much of a problem with it when I was not being teased or bullied over my weight. But now that I am older I can understand where medical staff are coming from but my weight is not the main problem for all my health issues like they believe.
I went to the hospital about a month ago for some excruciating back pain I was in and was very shocked the doctor didn't blame my weight. He put a light on the problem that made a lot of sense to me about what could be causing the issue. But I go to my primary doctor his first words are always lets talk about your weight, even if I am in there to my chronic pain or other issues. I wish people could see me not to see my weight first. There is more to a person than there the size or their belly or the size of their body.
But to get that through the worlds head or even worldwide. Its like asking for a miracle from a billion or more people. If I held my breath till that happened I would be dead, because so many people are so shallow that the ones dealing with a weight problem or are ashamed of their weight do to what others say, people need to be able see what they do to others by the things they say. But if that was truly possible who knows what would happen or have them gain a lot of weight and see being heavy or obesit really feels like being on the other side of the sharpness of peoples tongue. But I am dreaming because that will never happen.