Over a year ago, my doctor diagnosed male thrush. Since then I have tried everything possible to end this complaint. Various creams recommended by doctor; special soap also recommended; washing underclothes, sheets twice, final wash without soap powder; showering and drying multiple times a day; loose underwear; reduction of dairy produce and alcohol.
I’m still suffering. Violent itches; ‘splattering peeing’ on occasions ; end of penis swollen some times and always red; end of penis never stops changing (sometimes normal; sometimes white spots ; sometimes lesions); some weeks just normal; foreskin tight. No discharges though.
As I’m 73 years old I am unable to take the prescribed tablet which is for 18 to 60 year olds only. Been to doctors twice and same diagnosis. ‘Something you may have to live with!!!
Any help or suggestions would be gratefully received.