I have been on the combined pill for two years and over a month ago I changed my cycle from taking the pill to get a period every month to every three months. On the second month a few days before my period should be due I’ve started spotted bleeding. Is this normal or something to be concerned about?
combined pill: I have been on the combined pill for... - BASHH
combined pill
Replied to you in pm.
Don't know the reasoning for your decision, but from my own experience your body is used to the meds you've been taking and has to get used to the new meds... it takes time because the old meds have built up in your system and now you've changed things!.. those changes do not happen over night... it's not like switching a light off with instant results!!... you're messing about with your hormones... what did you expect!.
These are not new meds...this is the same med (hormone based contraceptive) taken in a different way. As a result bleeding patterns can be different . Everyone responds to these patterns in their own way ..can work for some and not for others. This is why there have to be different contraceptive methods for men and women .