I recently finished chlamydia medicine I am Female and it got rid of pain urinating and discharge but today I had a bit of discharge. I am also due to have my period this week.
Discharge chlamydia: I recently finished chlamydia... - BASHH
Discharge chlamydia

Hi Anon,
Perhaps the antibiotic treatment messed up the vaginal flora (lactobacilli) and the change in discharge is a symptom of this. Antibiotics can also bring on thrush in some women, which could be another possibility. If you don't have any other symptoms apart from the increased discharge (e.g. itching, vulval swelling, soreness, etc), I would suggest you wait for your period and see if things settle down afterwards.
Could just be the body doing it’s own thing.
Sometimes infections like chlamydia can disrupt the normal vaginal flora , and cause BV . As Adhari said, candida ( thrush ) may also be triggered by antibiotic use in some women. If your symptoms persist after your period, then consider self assessment/ treatment via pharmacist , or GP or sexual health clinic. Presuming if you got treated for chlamydia, that if you have a partner they have been treated too ?