Last Friday night I stupidly had a sexual encounter with another girl, who has slept with quite a few people. It involved oral sex from both of us, but no penetration. My doctor is giving me a chlamydia urine test, aswell as a HIV test. Is there any risk or any other infections?
Need help over possible STD's and STI's??: Last Friday... - BASHH
Need help over possible STD's and STI's??
Dear harrisonjames,
You do not say whether you are male or female. The risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection from performing oral sex on a women is incredible low.
If you are male and had oral sex performed on you then chlamydia and gonorrhoea are the most common infections to acquire. It can take two weeks for these infections to show so if you're GP did a urine test one day after it is too soon. Make sure you repeat it two weeks after the sex (and that the urine tests for gonorrhoea also).
It is possible to contract genital herpes from oral sex (from the cold sore virus) which can take 1-2wks to develop. It will cause painful blisters/ulcers.
Syphilis would rare in this situation but can take six weeks to show on tests.
HIV would not be a risk from the sex you describe. HIV can take 6-12wks to be detectable on a blood test.
You are better off visiting a specialist sexual health / GUM clinic for advice. See and use the clinic search to find your nearest.
Kind regards.