This is a really embarrassing problem but I need to find out why its happening and what could be the cause. Im not proud of this but I had a period when I went to Thailand and paid for sex I generally always had protected sex but sometimes I had unprotected oral sex. performed on me.
I noticed there was a really bad fishy smell after wearing a condom and inserting my penis into her vagina its not straight away its after a little while.
Anyway back here in the UK a few years ago I did pay for sex again yeah terrible I know but I have needs but same thing happend bad smell.
Know a few years on im getting my life sorted and having dates and getting numbers it wont be long before Ill be having sex again but I will be mortified if I shag a girl and the smell is still there.
I have visited my local GUM clinic and was given the all clear though.
So whats wrong with me? I have no idea what to do. Its really embarrasing what do I do go back to my GP and tell them look ermm I dont have a g/f but my dick smells when I do shag girls?
It doesnt smell when I masturbate though.