Hi, my boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and at the start of our relationship he tore his frenulum, it was a pretty severe tear and he was in alot of pain and lost lots of blood... Anyway he went to the doctors and was given cream, we refrained from hanging sex to let it heal properly and it was fine....
Not sure if it's relevant at all but I'm now 31weeks pregnant and a couple of times when we have had sex recently (in the last month or so) he has torn again, it's not in the same place and not as serious, no bleeding at all he just says it's uncomfortable... I was just wondering if it may be anything to do with me being pregnant or if he could be getting bigger (he is aged 25 so don't know if that's possible?) it's not been happening throughout the relationship, just that once at the start and a couple of times in the last month or so... I'm now too worried and scared that I'm hurting him so don't want to have sex... Any advice or facts would be greatly appreciated