I thought it might help to write out how I’m feeling. If I’m honest I’m not sure we’re ready for another. Mainly because my first is such a handful with low sleep needs, my husbands working hours can be difficult and we have no family who can help nearby. I do love being a mum and would love to expand our family, it just feels like now or never really as I’m 38 and we are so lucky to have two frosties left. I don’t want to look back and regret not giving them a chance if that makes sense? But I feel guilty not being as excited as I was the first time around. Maybe I’m just feeling overwhelmed as I know the reality of how difficult pregnancy and baby years are this time, whereas I didn’t know that part before! I think if I’m successful we have a very difficult few years ahead. If we’re not successful I hope I feel some sort of closure as I wouldn’t want to go through all the stims again.
I’m not really in any doubt about doing FETs but it’s just such a jumble of different emotions compared to last time and I’m hoping I will be able to cope with the outcome whichever way it goes.