36 weeks, diagnosed with too much amniotic flu... - Baby and Us

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36 weeks, diagnosed with too much amniotic fluid, completely stressed!! Please help

Smcd123 profile image
1 Reply

Hi, I’m just looking for some support. I’m 36 weeks pregnant after a 15 week loss (unexplained) last year. This pregnancy has been really rough the whole way through. I already have 2 beautiful children but because my last wee one was 7lbs( decent weight I thought) he was sga so have been having serial growth scans. First at 28 weeks- baby iugr-prepare for early delivery, nicu stay etc. 32 week scan- baby actually on 50th centile- now not worried however lying transverse- cord prolapse, still birth, cord accident bla bla. 3rd scan 36 weeks- baby still on 50th centile but I now have far too much amniotic fluid and baby has unstable lie- admit 38weeks repeat gd test probable c section. I’m so stressed out 😭

I don’t want to be admitted to wait for labour because that’s where I had to deliver the baby we lost and I don’t know How I will cope being there on my own for weeks potentially. I also do not want to risk anything happening to this wee one.

I’m huge, breathless and completely exhausted. My pelvis feels like it may go under the pressure. I saw consultant who has not made any sort of plan except community midwife will check if engaged at 38 weeks but that is literally it. I doubt she will because if I lie on my side I can feel her move over, lie flat she hits diaphragm so dunno how she will get into position and stay there now. We live 1 hr for hospital so will take a while to get there.

oh and my mum has fallen and broken her leg ( she was going to come and look after other kids while I was in hospital and help out while I recover)- so as you can see it’s all going to plan!

i don’t mean to complain because I’m so grateful for this pregnancy but with all additional stress I’m freaking out. I will prob end up with c-section which I’m not keen on just for recovery with the other kids.

any advice would be appreciated, sorry it’s such a long post x

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MissSaoPaulo profile image

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your previous loss, it must have been an anxious time being pregnant and I can understand why you're feeling overwhelmed right now.

I don't really have any advice except generally, in life, it's better to focus on what you can control and try to accept what you can't.

So take good care of yourself as best you can right now and maybe focus on the practical things, like trying to get some help in place at home and getting things set up to help avoid you having to move around too much in the first few days, in case it is a c section.

Hope it's not much longer now, these last weeks drag sooooo much don't they? And I hope it all goes smoothly - I'm sure it will!!

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