There is an excellent theatre that I know of in Wimbledon, Surrey. It is for children only and is called The Polka Theatre. I cannot praise this place and the staff who make it all so wonderful, enough.
As the theatre is all about what's best for the child and try very hard to operate a good inclusion policy, I'm thinking I might ask about plays and or workshops (they do those too) for children with autism. I am pretty certain that if I could find a suitable performance and ensure that it will have a good audience, that they will consider my request.
Is this a good idea, how many of us would take their children, grandchildren etc., to see a performance? That is if I (or anyone else please) can find a suitable play.
I would like to have some idea of whether or not this idea would warrant further investigation or not so if you all don't mind, please reply to this request. A simple yes or no is fine. Also if anyone can think of the requirements the theatre and the performance, would be beneficial to include from the children's perspective, please let me know.
This could all be nothing more than a dream but it must be worth a try.
Thanks peeps, you are all stars and I know that I can rely upon your support, enthusiasm and encouragement