Hello everyone. I've just joined and am looking for help and advice. I think I am autistic but I am unsure and don't know whether to pursue a diagnosis or not. I have a lot of traits and really struggle with a lot of things. I feel like I am broken and have huge self esteem issues and depression and have done for a long time. If I was to find out I had autism I feel it would alleviate a lot of my self hate, just knowing that there is a reason why I am the way I am and that nothing is wrong with me. On the other hand I am scared that if it isn't autism I might end up feeling worse. I have been doing a lot of research on autism and so much of it resonates with me, but then I'll read something else which makes me think the complete opposite and I just don't know. I have listed some reasons I think I might be autistic. I am not sure if they are all traits but just things I find difficult
Hate social situations
Hate small talk
Can't keep a conversation going
If I'm in a room where there are lots of conversations happening I can't switch off listening to all of them at once and end up not really listening to the person that is talking to me
I feel exhausted after any kind of social situation
sometimes when people are talking to me what they are saying becomes a blur and I can only pick out a few words
if i am given too much info on a task or too many things to do I can't remember it all and get confused/stressed
if my plans change I feel anxious and upset
I prefer doing things on my own
I find eye contact hard
I get really obsessed with certain things
I love coloured lights
I am good at a lot of different things (multipotentialite?) my friends often moan that I am just good at everything
Especially good at music and art
I am a sound engineer which means I am good at hearing small sounds that some people wouldn't notice
am often mute in groups as I don't know how or when or what to say
when I feel overwhelmed I totally shut down and retreat into myself
I can sometimes fall into a really low mood for seemingly no reason. I sometimes won't know until someone else works it out and explains to me why I might feel that way
I find it really hard to talk about emotions and how I am feeling
multitasking is stressful
when I get really stressed and I hit myself in the head. Sometimes to the point of bruising and black eyes
When I am driving I don't know which way to go even though I have lived in the same city my whole live and have been to the place loads of times before...I just can't picture or think of how to get there and almost need to ask if i need to go left or right at every turn to the person I am with
I often laugh at jokes later than everyone else
When for example watching a film I often don't understand the characters motives without it being explained to me
I'm often told that I don't look or sound happy when I actually feel fine. I feel like I need to exaggerate my happiness for people to see it which is tiring
Sometimes I take sarcasm literally. I will reply to something someone has said seriously and then they will say '...I was joking...'
I feel I am quite monotone and expressionless
But then there are certain traits that I don't have:
I don't think I have any sensory problems like bright lights or loud noises causing pain or discomfort
I believe I can tell how people are feeling from the way they look and act
I enjoyed imaginative play as a child
I don't really have any routines
i'm not ever told I am being blunt or rude (but then I don't really say anything most of the time)
I understand terms like 'break a leg' are not literal
I'm not overly clumsy and don't often bump into things
I know you don't need to have every single trait to be diagnosed with autism but I am just so unsure and looking for any kind of thoughts/help/guidance. Could it just be other things like anxiety?
I have done the AQ and EQ online tests and both indicate I am in the range of potential autism but only just
Thankyou to anyone reading I am sorry it's so long