High Functioning Autism or Mental Health Di... - Autism Support

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High Functioning Autism or Mental Health Disorders

24 Replies


My name is Christine and I am 27 years old. When I was 15 years old and in the 9th grade I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and was given medication for that. But, it was making my appetite go away and I ended up weighing under 100 lbs. Then 3 years later when I was in the 12th grade I was diagnosed with depression. And in addition I have a hard time in social situations and talking to people especially if there are a lot of people and making eye contact is also difficult. And I also need a ton of personal space and feel uncomfortable hugging my own sisters and need a certain amount of space from people when sitting next to them. in addition I hate loud noises especially if I think people are arguing or fighting and are going to raise their voices so I go up to my room and try to put my headphones in with my music on to block it out; and this hatred of noise had been going on ever since I was a kid and as a kid I would go into my closet an close the door and put my hands over my ears to try and block it out. For years I’ve also had obsessions even as a kid I would be obsessed with Barney and watch as many movies and the tv show as possible as well as Disney movies. And I’ve also had obsessions like rituals such as making everything even when folding my clothes and redoing it if it wasn’t done the same exact way or if it was uneven. Even to this day I only have 1 best friend that I talk to every day. But I’m also very good at remembering the dates of birthdays for my siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins and family; in addition I’ve also been extremely interested in World War II that I know a lot of information about the year it began, when it ended, what happened before the camps, etc. In addition I will sometimes get really upset for no reason whether it’s due to something someone said or if it’s something new that’s going on. Such as when I had to fly to India for my sisters wedding since her fiancées family lives there and because it was such a big change with traveling, the weather, the time change, the food, and all the people I just had a meltdown one day crying saying I just wanted to go back home. I also shake my legs very fast for no reason. Does anyone think this maybe high functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome from allthe information I have provided?

24 Replies
Portable profile image

I think you might have HFA and you should go for an assessment...

SeenGreen profile image

I'm 27 too, currently on the really long waiting list for an assessment in my area. Shouldn't be on here now as I have loads I have to do, but will check back later and try and write a proper reply. I also was diagnosed with ADHD and put on stimulant medication, and while I feel it helps me, appetite is also an issue. Nobody on here knows you like you know yourself. Please seek a proper assessment if you feel you tick the boxes for asd (so to speak). All the best and ib promise I will check back later :)

kevinmhickson profile image

Hi Christine.

What you describe would certainly fit the profile of Asperger Syndrome or HFA which is always unique to the individual but with common themes emerging. ADHD, depression and obsessions more common in Autism than the non-autistic population and these mental health issues could be viewed either as separate diagnosis or components or consequences of the Autism.

Maybe you have already done some of your own research into the subject but if not, I would recommend you do so as there is such a diversity of information out there now compared to even a few years ago. If you do decide on assessment, you will be better informed and prepared. A diagnosis can certainly help in clearing away the nagging uncertainty and promote insight, acceptance and confidence.

Best wishes,


in reply to kevinmhickson

Thanks well my counselor asked me if I was ever diagnosed with autism after I told her I stayed up until 1 am because I was upset that I had to change my appointment due to having to watch my nieces and nephews while my parents are out of town. So, I don't know what is next because she wanted me to write a letter about my feelings and we didn't really talk about the autism part after that. And what I didn't tell her is that I also have a hard time wearing long sleeve shirts, and I get very anxious when there's loud music, noise, lots of people, and yelling. So, her asking me that is making me wonder what will happen at my next appointment.

kevinmhickson profile image

Your counsellor will be looking at your emotional responses to your situation, personal history and ways of coping rather than a diagnosis. Continue to talk with your counsellor, including about those sensory issues and special interests but do consult a professional who will be in the position to assess for a diagnosis or to at least make that referral.

in reply to kevinmhickson

Who could make that diagnosis?

kevinmhickson profile image
kevinmhickson in reply to

Generally a Psychologist or Consultant Psychiatrist.

in reply to kevinmhickson

Ok. Well my counselor is a licensed marriage family therapist and works under a psychiatrist. Would that be able to work?

in reply to kevinmhickson

I also have a very hard time with change. Yesterday I went to the same yoga class and 10 minutes in, I felt so anxious and like this flight or fight response because I had a different teacher and did not calm me down at all. I also know the names of the main characters of the original law and order and what seasons they were on. I can also multiply numbers in my head without a calculator whether they’re two numbers by two numbers or three by two. I’m also very bad with large groups of people and loud noises and have to go somewhere quiet and sometimes put my hands over my ears to get me to calm down. And anytime I color I usually make it a pattern of colors. Do these sound like symptoms.

in reply to kevinmhickson

And I also barley call people instead I text because I get anxiety about talking to people and don’t like how my voice sounds. And I have a hard time talking to people because sometimes I have a hard time trying to not interrupt them but include myself in the conversation without going on too long.

kevinmhickson profile image
kevinmhickson in reply to

Anxiety is very closely with obsessive thoughts and behaviour and sometimes this is difficult to sort out from the Autism. Again, what you describe is ticking further boxes on the Autism scale.

in reply to kevinmhickson

Well. I got a 48 out of 50 on the test.

kevinmhickson profile image
kevinmhickson in reply to

Well of course, that's very high score (although this is not a diagnosis test, 32 and above is generally indicating Autism). Take that test paper and result to your next counselling session or doctor.

in reply to kevinmhickson

I will. I’ll talk to her about it because she asked if I had ever been diagnosed and I said no. But then I asked my mom if I had ever been tested for autism and she said no. So, maybe the reason I hadn’t been diagnosed was because I was never tested.

kevinmhickson profile image
kevinmhickson in reply to

If possible, ask your mom if there is anyone in the family, current and past, with a history similar to yours; on both sides of the family.

If you have not already, it could be worth reading something on the internet about a personal experience of Autism, but do remember this is a personal experience and may differ from your own.

kevinmhickson profile image

Depends on their working relationship - is the Psychiatrist the supervisor of the Family therapist etc? The Psychiatrist could at least advise regarding the Autism consideration. That or consult your family doctor / general practitioner.

in reply to kevinmhickson

Yes, the psychiatrist is the supervisor of my counselor.

kevinmhickson profile image

I would ask the counsellor if he/she could request during supervision, guidance from the Psychiatrist regarding diagnosis. If this is a negative, then request via your own doctor if registered with one.

Maybe undertake an initial screening questionnaire for Autism. These can be accessed online. They do not confirm diagnosis but may support your further enquiry.

in reply to kevinmhickson

Thank you that’s great help.

in reply to kevinmhickson

Is there one specific test you would use online for it?

kevinmhickson profile image

The AQ test is a good start: wired.com/2001/21/aqtest

kevinmhickson profile image

Which country and region are you in? Availability of diagnostic services is so variable.

in reply to kevinmhickson

I live in the United States in California.

kevinmhickson profile image
kevinmhickson in reply to

Thank you for that. Not familiar with service provision there. Plenty of active Autism charities in the USA - could be worth getting in touch for some friendly advice.

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