I have the feeling that my rollator gives me the illusion that I can walk
Are rollators bad for people´s mobility - Ataxia UK
Are rollators bad for people´s mobility

It has never given me the illusion that I can walk. It prevented me from taking big steps forward because it was in front of my feet. So l used to lean forward on the handlebars which is not a natural way of walking. Rollators don't help if you fall sideways. The rollator falls with you than. I prefer two crutches although they are slippery on wet ground. Both rollator and crutches stop me from shuffling along but with them my walk is still far from a normal walk.
I think using a rollator/walker to aid mobility is a personal choice. I think it depends on each individuals mobility needs. For me a rollator definately increases my walking abilities. Without it I stagger and lurch forward making me feel very unsafe. When I was in hospital for rehabilitation I had to learn to slow down. The only way for me to do this was to hold onto either a walker or elbow crutches. I now walk very steady as long as I'm using one or the other. I prefer the walker to the elbow crutches because I feel more secure. Having said that I agree with Klazien that it doesn't help if your ataxia probs are more prominent at one side of the body, which makes you stagger to that side. I have also had a few falls using crutches because of slippery floors like Kazien explains and this is why I prefer the walker. My walker has easy pulling brake handles that stop me from falling completely over.
For quite a while I refused using a rollator becaue I thought it was a
sign of old age.
But, a random checking at my doctor´s of my " Columna vertebralis " showed
that there was a high fracture risk.
As I suffer from SCA I decided to immediately use a rollator - indoors and outdoors.
The problem only is : I feel very safe now --but I got so much used to using
a rollator that I feel unsafe without.
Do you have a simillar problem ?
Why be without a rollator then Jurgen if you feel safe using it? Surely its better to still get walking excersise using your rollator and feeling safe than to do without it putting not only yourself at risk but other people safety at risk too?
In my case using a rollator is a sign of my disability and not of old age. Using a rollator is definately not a problem for me.
Thanks "Iain25",
actually, now and then I tend to forget that SCA gets worse & worse.-
Besides my Dutch outdoor rollator I now have two indoor
rollators (ground- & firstfloor)-
The Swedish "Let´s go"-rollator is first-class
Looked at your link Jurgen. I like how the the braking system is of one easy handle pull that brakes both wheels at the sme time. My walker/rollator has two brakes, (one for each hand) but I like the one you show. My walker also has four wheels with a handy carry department and seat.

The " Let's Go Indoor Rollator" is for indoor use only.. As I wrote
I have got two " Let's Go(s)" as I found carrying one upstairs
was dangerous.
The rollator- when bought unused- is far too expensive. So,
I bought second hands via Internet
I have recently bought the rollator you mentioned I was not too happy to progress from my stick but I find I walk much more normally when using it(I am more upright and walk straighter) Iam glad I swallowed my pride and gave in to my better judgement (and your advice of course)
thankyou Laddie