At Ataxia UK we are starting the process of deciding our priorities and developing our plan for the next three years. If we’re going to do that properly, we need an up to date understanding of what’s happening in the lives of our Friends and their families, what you think of our services and other help on offer to you, where you think we should focus, and how you think we should develop what we do in the future. We’ve commissioned an independent researcher (Nick Hopkins- who did our work last year on money issues) to do this work for us.
There are three ways that you can help:
Complete our survey – see the links below by 28 June
Take part in an interview
Take part in a focus group.
Our Survey - find it here
There are two versions of the survey. The first is targeted at people with ataxia, and can also be completed by carers on behalf of people with ataxia, click here to complete. The second is targeted at carers for people with ataxia, and focuses on the issues they face If you prefer to fill out a hard-copy version of the survey, please email .
Interviews and focus groups
If you’d like to take part in an interview or a small focus group, you can let us know on the form that is part of the survey, or you can contact Nick directly on