A few days back I received an email from HM Courts and Tribunals Service informing me I've been selected for jury service and a request to complete an form requesting additional information and providing for a request to be excused. My request for excusal was based on the fact I have cerebellar ataxia, diabetes and I am classified as clinically, extremely vulnerable and shielding during lockdown for Covid-19. I am permanently wheelchair bound and looked after 24 hours a day by my carer. My request has been refused. I have the option to appeal the refusal - has anybody been through this process and can recommend how to proceed?
Refused request to be excused jury service - Ataxia UK
Refused request to be excused jury service
HiYou can apply for an excusal or deferral (if you think you could attend jury service at a later date when it is safe to do so). Complete part II of the jury summons, your reason is physical disability and if you could get a medical certificate from your GP or consultant this is your supporting document - send these 2 documents back to the address on the letter. You DO qualify for exemption. If you need more help contact the Jury Central Summoning Bureau on 03004561024
Good luck.
I echo what Cuds has said. I received a similar summons last year and my GP provided me with an exemption letter.
If you can’t remember things you cannot go on jury service, if you have this problem you better tell them. I would never be able to concentrate or remember. Ask your doctor for a letter, good in sorting this problem.Suzie