Scroll down until you see the table that shows known types of ataxia listed and some causes.
Maybe something to bring to a neurology appointment?
Scroll down until you see the table that shows known types of ataxia listed and some causes.
Maybe something to bring to a neurology appointment?
Thanks for the article, nice 👍 read
Thank you. I looked only at my probable condition, Gluten Ataxia, just to clarify, as long as I never ingest gluten again, I should remain stable and not progressively get worse. The table does not make that clear, it is progressive if you eat gluten still.
I wondered the same thing. I went off gluten 8 years ago but got ataxia afterwards so it probably wasn't the cause but my gut has never been good. My teeth had lots of mercury in them and had the fillings replaced over the years and I took another toxic drug for 2 years before the ataxia so after a thyroidectomy, when it started it may have been the combination that was a "perfect storm". I doubt I'll ever know the type I have.