I’m suspected to have Episodic Ataxia never had tests to prove this but I sometimes look like I don’t have Ataxia and I don’t have cerebellar atrophy but other times it can be so severe, that I need a wheelchair. I can go into see the neurologist walk heel to toe fine one moment yet wobbly and unstable the next. All and all as my Ataxia is worsened by physically doing a lot I use wheelchair to go out. Sometimes my Ataxia is provoked by simply walking around, not necessarily exerting myself but walking so at times it’s provoked easily. I have cognitive and emotional difficulties as well, slow physical movements, nystagmus, troubles multi tasking however these signs are not Episodic, but I do experience Episodic symptoms from mild to severe vertigo, nausea, vomiting, imbalance and coordination issues from mild to severe. Does anyone have these symptoms? Also share what Ataxia you have since mine wasn’t yet confirmed.. why would my MRI be also normal but still have Ataxia? What types of Ataxias wouldn’t show up on an MRI?
Episodic Ataxia suspected : I’m suspected to have... - Ataxia UK
Episodic Ataxia suspected
Hi, you just like me before I started to take the medication I am now on.
The MRI scan showed nothing, it wasn’t until I went down to Sheffield Ataxia Center and had a brain scan with there equipment that cerebellar atrophy showed up.
If you are having problems of doing things in slow motion this can be a sign of gluten Ataxia which is what I have.
I was also told my attacks were Episodic.
You describing you Ataxia is just like my Ataxia.
Hi, I have a lot of your symptoms, but no definite diagnosis. One minute I can be not to bad and the next I cannot get out of bed. I have muscle twitches a lot and tremors at times. I use a wheelchair for going out too, due to balance problems and fatigue. My balance problems are caused by brain dysfunction, shown on my MRI spectroscopy. I am not sure what that means. The only other thing that I was found to have was a faulty gene for PNKD, but the specialist was not sure if that was the cause of my problems. Hope you find some answers.