Can anyone give me ideas on what to start looking into? I don’t know the technical language I need to research. When you’re as clumsy as us lot, constantly bumping into things and sustaining minor injuries, you get used to ignoring niggles. But I’ve become aware that some niggles aren’t injuries. I feel like at times I have groups of muscles that won’t relax, and it can cause real ache. Particularly lower back and hips. I try to do stretches most days. My hips have been particularly achey all week, I know I haven’t overdone it with stretching or exercise so it’s not DOMS, and it’s both sides so it’s unlikely to be injury. Thanks in advance.
Muscle ache: Can anyone give me ideas on what to... - Ataxia UK
Muscle ache

Just having ataxia seems to make muscles ache in my legs, there seem to be many causes, stress, ataxia and neurology, mineral deficit possibly, not enough exercise, too much exercise....I wonder if a GP visit is needed as back problems (hip as well?) are rife in the general population anyway. Impressed that you proactively stretch!
Try one of the magnesium's. There seems to be about 7 or 8. Start with magnesium malate. No guarantees, but it helps a lot of people with achy muscles, restless legs, fatigue, fibromyalgia
Massaging hips has helped me & Coq10 which gives energy to the cells i believe. Pace yourself with exercise & don't do too much as this can cause pain & fatigue if you overdo it. Oh & turmeric helps with pain too.
I had a similar problem with mine, it felt like the muscles in my groin & legs were licking & I was having to actually put my hands under my leg to move it as I couldn’t. It got to the stage where the pain was unbearable & spreading. GPS didn’t do or say much but thankfully I had an appointment with my neurologist who when I told him about them knew straight away what they were & it is associated with ataxia or any problems with the brain. He diagnosed me me Dystonia-which is where your muscles going into spasms & gave me Baclofen 10mg tablets which are muscle relaxants. He said it was a low dose but I could increase if u needed to & just speak to my gp. 4 weeks after taking them I’m now in 30mg. 1 10mg tablet in a morning & 2 at bedtime.
I’d advice you to speak to your neurologist if at all possible but failing that speak to your gp & mention about Dystonia- infact I’m sure there’s a link someone on Ataxia Uk Facebook page about it. & ask your gp about this medication to help you.
Let us know how you get on. Best wishes Tracy 😊
Tracy, this is so helpful, thank you. Your pain sounds very similar. It feels very much like the (debilitating) pelvic girdle pain I had in my first pregnancy and at times, like you, I had to move my leg using my hands. With careful stretching I’m much more mobile than when I posted this, but my Pilates instructor who’s a physio advised me to contact my neuro physio (I’m very lucky to live in a part of the UK where I get access) and I’ll definitely mention this to her.
Ah just me again. I Found the link & page, definitely worth reading up
Thank you all for your suggestions, I’ve taken them all on board x
I get tightness mainly in my calf muscles. I have found magnesium bis-glyscinate has really helped.
Baclofen does help👍