This is excellent news👍
GP plan to scrap home visits ‘won’t fly’ says health secretary Matt Hancock - Sky News.
This is excellent news👍
GP plan to scrap home visits ‘won’t fly’ says health secretary Matt Hancock - Sky News.
🙂 I just caught the tail end of this on the news this morning. Some for, some against. There would need to be something else put in place to ensure patient safety, if this was ever to come about.
Trying to get a home visit is a battle in itself.
But they should not be stopped.
It would probably see a big rise in 111 calls if not 999 calls, putting even more pressure on the Ambulance Service.
Didn’t see it but Hancock is our MP. Seeing is believing. ...
yes but I cant remember the last time anyone in our family or friends needed a home visit. Paramedics always do a great job
At one time doctors worked night shifts calling to see patients. Most doctors now are only part time and do not work bank holidays either, looks like they still what less work, but probably not less wages.
Plus in my area they only give home visits to house bound patients in any case.