Is this normal? Is this a CA thing sent to further test me- it's certainly leaves me more tired and dizzy.
Good times
Is this normal? Is this a CA thing sent to further test me- it's certainly leaves me more tired and dizzy.
Good times
SamGH. A six week old cough should always be investigated. Get yourself checked out.
Hi SamGH
I agree with Catherine100. A 6 week cough, CA or no CA, requires further investigation. I would make an appointment with your GP as soon as you can.
Best wishes
I use to get a cough that I was unable to shake, had chest X-rays the lot. Then I found a simple solution, simply drinking about three pints of water daily seems to have sorted it. I have now been cough free for approaching ten years, hope it works for you!
Apparently I've either developed asthma or whooping cough.......
I had a cold the other week, and it has left me with a wheezing and a cough, now and again, and when it starts, it sounds awful. Yes, I do smoke, BUT have never ever had a cough, or related things in my life. Will mention it to the doc, when I get a face to face appointment in about 6 weeks (its that bad round here if not urgent enough)
Dear SamGH, I've had coughing fits for years now and have no idea why. I'm not ill, have had a chest X-ray (clear), went to an ENT who put a tube down my throat to look for vocal cord polyps (everything was OK). I do cough sometimes when drinking liquid (like water) which my neurologist says is a symptom of ataxia, but he says coughing fits ARE NOT related to my ataxia. In my humble opinion I still think they are, as no other cause can be found. I start coughing for no apparent reason at all. I was even told (by my GP, neurologist and ENT) that my coughing fits are possibly related to acid reflex (which I really have no symptoms of). I chew at least two anacids daily, but it's really made no difference in my coughing. Coughing REALLY tires me out and makes me dizzy also! I'm at the end of my rope with coughing, as no cause can be found! Anyway, be checked out by your GP to see if a cause can be found. My best to you...,;o)
My husband has a constant cough which is related to his Ataxia. It is usually the intake of too much air when eating or too much saliva in the mouth. He did have a referral to a swallowing clinic and had his swallowing movements ex rayed and analysed -sorry forgotten the technical name.
Best of luck with the appointment