Hello, I'm new here.... I have cerebellar ataxia
Just wanted to ask people about drugs, is Cannabis and Ecstasy forbidden for me?
If 'Gabapentin' and 'Lyrica' is allowed, why isn't allowed MDMA?
Thanks in advance!
Hello, I'm new here.... I have cerebellar ataxia
Just wanted to ask people about drugs, is Cannabis and Ecstasy forbidden for me?
If 'Gabapentin' and 'Lyrica' is allowed, why isn't allowed MDMA?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Satkus
Cannabis, ecstasy and MDMA are all illegal in the UK.
Although I know cannabis can be beneficial to patients with ataxia, ecstasy and MDMA certainly are not.
Thanks Harriet, but can you tell exactly why are they harmful for our disease?
They are harmful to health generally, both mental and physical, not to mention being addictive and illegal.
mdma is illegal, yes definitely but not addictive unless taken in vast quantities for a very long period of time. There's a lot of legal drugs that are equally harmful to the health of the user. I think the best course is to stay clear from every drug available not only ataxia sufferers.
Cannabis has benefits that can out weight the cons.. But any other drug is bad for anyone not just those with Ataxia... Ecstasy can kill.. Legal highs kill...That's all I'm saying on the subject.
Some rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers claim it helps there needs to be a lobby to legalise it on the basis of scientific trials. I have CA and can.t see the occasional high would help. Wouldn't know where to start anyway. Driving would be a risk. With occasional (late at night manageable) Diplopia DVLA have taken my licence pending report from Consultant
I can't touch alcohol so wouldn't go near E and puff. However life is short...