Hello everyone got the results of my assessment a few weeks ago now,am pleased to say I got enhanced rate ongoing so I breathed a sigh of thinking that's all over oh no another form to fill in this time ESA waiting on their decision 🤔
Pip: Hello everyone got the results of my... - Ataxia UK

That's great news welfare benefits team helped us with completing the esa form and the appeal with pip still awaiting decision about both. Referral to them came through social services. So might be worth talking to them he came to the house and did the paperwork for us was a great stress reliever not having to do the forms. Hope all goes as well with your ESA
Well PIP assessment went OK but have heard nothing (6 weeks now). What is ESA please?
Hi Litty
ESA is Employment Support Allowance which you can get if you are under pension age and are unfit for work. As usual you have forms to fill in and letters to send supporting your claim. Then you have a face to face assessment (see my post ESA Assessment) and they let you know if you are entitled to it. A long and stressful procedure for some, but worth it if you can persevere with the forms and continuous repeating of everything you have told them before. Hope this helps.
ESA is employment support. Either income or contribution. I dont know how old you are, but it is worth the phone call to apply.
Thank you very well explained : )
I worked for quite awhile but had to leave because Ataxia took over my life claimed Incapacity Benifit as it was then,they changed the name to ESA a few years back.
Hi how did you go on with esa I recently received my pip enhanced both groups you would have thought they could share information there always going on about saving money
Haven't received anything on my ESA 3 months now
My sister still hasn't been assessed yet we both got same conditions
Freidreiches Ataxia
When I went to esa assessment in 2012 lady sat me down asked me what meds I was on saw way I walked.And said I'm waisting your time you might as well go home.She saw I couldn't work and used common sense maybe it's same with you if your on enhanced pip it's a fair bet you can't work xx
Hi got PIP both enhanced rate still waiting on ESA although they are still paying it in to my account can't understand haven't received no letter as to whatthey are doing, my application had to be in 19th May, I did send it recorded delivery so they couldn't say they didn't receive it.
Hi I had my ESA face to face yesterday, I filled in forms and sent them back in April. Then about three weeks ago they sent letter to go for assessment. I will have to wait for the letter to come saying whats going to happen next. More stress and worrying. You might get a letter soon for a face to face. Hope it goes ok for you.
Thanks for letting me know I can't believe it's taking so long I have a few hospital appointments coming up so hope it dosent fall on those days