I feel alone with no-one who understands how frustrated and anxious I feel. What should I do?. Have had the suggestion I should ask my doctor for some counseling.I am 54 had have FA, 30+ yrs live alone with my husband and have my, married, daughter as carer. I have also,a year ago moved to live near my daughter of aged 25, from Berkshire to Merseyside.
depressed?: I feel alone with no-one who... - Ataxia UK

Sorry to hear. I am not a talker but it can really help I think. My husband who helps care for me saw a counsellor who specialised in genetics and it real helped him : )
I know how you feel, I suffer with terrible depression but I did have some counselling. I have written a piece on it in this quarterly Ataxia U.K. Magazine. It's on the website. Have a look and give it some thought. Take care xx
flawlessFayx, thank you for reaching out to us fellow Ataxian's! This is a good, helpful forum. I have found that cognitive counseling provides tools, to help one cope with the many twists and turns, in dealing with Ataxia. Also, basic tools can be used in coping with many situations in our life journey. Please check credentials and, by all means, find a counselor that you can relate to! Best to you!
thanks 4 yr reply I SHALL NOTE WHAT U'VE SAID.
Sorry that you're feeling depressed bit think of some one who could use vheeting up or a quick call 2letthem know you're thinking of them the best way 2 diffuse depression is to encourage another that's usually feeling much worse so breathe in smIle and do it unafraid
I shall
Dear FlawlessFayx, Are you on any anti-depressants? I've had ataxia (not FA) for 20 years (although I was just diagnosed 13 years ago, as symptoms real started to progress) and they help me cope better. In the past I also went to a therapist and found her very helpful besides. Anyone who deals with any chronic disorder feels frustrated and anxious at times, so you're not alone in your journey! My best to you..., ;o)
Hi there. I am so sorry you are so depressed. As other Friends have suggested, medication may be the answer or if you're taking meds already, a word with your GP who may suggest something else. And I agree absolutely that talking about how you feel is ace. Much as I love my husband, also my carer like yours, it is hard to talk to him. I have also seen a counsellor to help me accept this condition. But. I have to say that the lovely Ataxians on this site are , well just that.......supportive, friendly and sharing. They got m e over a hump!
Love and light xxxxxx
You must become PROACTIVE regarding your condition. Depression is serious and is often an imbalance in serotonin levels. There are plenty of medications for this imbalance which will help. Talk to your doctor. Also, seek support groups or therapy.
I do not have clinical depression but certainly get the " blues," probably due to my Canvas diagnosis. I need things in my life to look forward to, so I planned a trip abroad this summer. I do realize that's not for everyone, but even planning simple things to look forward to could work. Good Luck!
Thats alot to take on in anyones world, i know where your at to being a carer for one parent, and it can be demanding, sounds like you need a distraction once in a while to change focus, i know that there will be local carer support groups on hand to visit as a carer registered or not as a carer your local docs will have the info, its a great way to meet new friends and these days like this place the caring groups have internet to keep in touch just a thought for you if it helps.