I recently had blood test for which they covered the syringe with paper (to stop light getting in). This is the first time they've done this. WHY?
Blood test: I recently had blood test for which... - Ataxia UK
Blood test

Was it Vitamin E they were testing scruffycat ?
wasn't mentioned but, who knows with doctors.
They have to keep blood samples in the dark if they are testing for Vitamin E !
It may have been vit E as analysis can get ruined with light. But as a nurse can I advise you to NEVER have a test and not ask what it's for. You have rights and its your body! Very best wishes,
I have had quite a few blood tests done in hospital and have never asked what they were for Adnyl. You strongly advise never to do this. Why?

Simply so that you understand more about what is being done to you and why and of course you should be part of any decision making regarding treatments. Having said that I am not implying that any health care professional would do anything that was not in your best interests. But I personally think I want to know what's being done and why.
In research I have read many people with Ataxia are low in vitamin e .I don't don't know the reason for this .I was recently diagnosed with low vitamin e ,not because my diet is low in it as I eat lots of foods containing high vitamin e
The Prof has put me on supplements ! I have had serious problems with sleep issues for the past 30 years ,since starting the supplements the insomnia has gone ,amazing !
I would never recommend anyone takes any form of vitamin supplements unless a Dr advises . They are not as innocent as people believe ,in fact vitamin e can thin the blood ,something I did not know .
Vitamin E helps to protect the bodies cells by protecting the cell membrane (therefore maintaining healthy cells). Also has antioxidant function.
naturally found in soya, olive oil, margarine, sunflower oils, nuts.
sorry, I'm no expert but know that we need it to keep our cells healthy.
hope that helps a bit.
It would have been for something called porphyria, it spoils the result if light gets to it.
Wow. You learn something new every day. Thanks everyone.
I had some blood tests in January this year. Vitamin E was mentioned. Every day I take Multivitamins and 2000 mgs Omega 3 Fish Oil, can anyone comment on this (whether I may be taking too much or what). I have been taking Omega 3 for 20 yrs or more.
If you don't mind me asking why do you take these vitamins everyday .Have you put yourself on them or has a Dr recommended you take them after blood results ?