Dear all
HealthUnlocked are making some changes to their website next Tuesday and to allow this to happen the site will be closed from 9am to 1pm.
The main changes you will notice are
-'Blogs' will be called 'posts' from next Tuesday with the definition of a post being anything that is not a question
-If you have the word 'blogger' next to your name, that will be removed
-You will be able to recommend posts that you have found particularly helpful and you think others willthins the same
-Any post or question will be automatically tagged. When we have written a post or a question a number of tags will be suggested and we have to delete the inappropriate ones before the post/question is published. I think this will take a while to get used to but will get easier with time.
There might be some teething problems with this and I apologise in advance for any disruption. Hopefully these can be smoothed out quickly with the very least disruption.
I am sure all of the changes HealthUnlocked are making will be positive and they will make using this forum even more helpful and enjoyable.
Best Wishes
Harriet (HarryB)