I don't often get out and about early in the morning. Today I got off to a good
start, so decided to do some food shopping. The last stop was Waitrose, the
store was quite busy and I was mentally moaning about having to keep changing
pairs of glasses and slow moving people, I forget I'm one of them! I got to the
sweetie aisle and found the chocolate section blocked by an elderly lady, I knew
what I wanted but she was bobbing and weaving.
We ended up in conversation, initially about chocolate (of course), and I found
out she was buying for a friend who was ill. During the course of the conversation
she commented on how many illnesses were invisible, and how difficult this must
be for sufferers. She herself had Diabetes, and I told her I had Ataxia.
She went on to tell me about someone else in the village who has Cerebellar
Ataxia very severely.
After we parted, I was left feeling guilty for having felt sorry for myself over
the glasses. Some days I really struggle but it's nothing compared to what the
other person has to deal with.
I made a mental note to give myself a good shake, and make more of an effort
to put my best foot forward.