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does anyone think long acting steroid inhalers eg flutiform etc can cause/bring on acid reflux/stomach issues? or antibiotics?

Polly44 profile image
10 Replies

Hi for a couple of years i have had stomach acid issues, I can be fine for several months and then out of the blue im doubled over with a stomach ache in the middle of my stomach which when it wears off it ends up being an ache around the edges of my stomach.

I have hi and a second lung bacteria that I have had several courses of antibiotics for but pretty sure it started before all the antibiotics. On my most recent flare up while on 1000mg of amoxicillin 3 times a day it started again and had it twice since then. I admittedly had been out on a night out drinking on 2nd and 3rd time (with 2 weeks in-between flare ups).

one doctors said yes whats happening to loads of people now a-days and even naughty doctors needing to have omprezole for the same reason ha ha. but another doctor said steroids can cause reflux then ended up telling me that I had alcohol gastritis which yes it can happen after alcohol but i can be fine for several months which is weird and the steroid comment has made me wonder/think about it, as been on long acting steroid inhaler over 2 yrs and only had this pain that long too. wondering if anyone else had anything similar ?

thanks for any suggestions ....even if its no more drinking lol (which I do not do daily or even weekly but can be fine drinking.... so why out of the blue do i get this :-/

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Polly44 profile image
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10 Replies
robert1957 profile image

Please research magnesium deficiency and symptoms of magnesium deficiency also research vitamins d3 and k2mk7 also research b12 if you research drinking celery juice first thing in the morning it will address your reflux good luck

Polly44 profile image
Polly44 in reply to robert1957

Thanks Robert I will look into that.

Poobah profile image

Hello Polly.

Inhaled steroids aren't the issue I think. But antibiotics alter our digestive bacteria and this can lead to an imbalance of gut bacteria.

Recent and growing research shows that good gut bacteria is necessary for good health (even mental health in some cases).

I take a course of pre and probiotics whenever I have to take antibiotics and keep the pre/probiotics course going for two months.

A good product will have 16 strains of pre/probiotics - the more strains the better.

Taking alcohol while on antibiotics is not good and patients should wait at least 72 hours after finishing a course of antibiotics before taking alcohol.

And some asthmatics are very sensitive to wine and beer because of the sulphites.

Oral steroids can upset the digestive system. Unfortunately, once we upset the system we need to get it back on track otherwise it will continue to play up.

Google "gut health antibiotics" and there's plenty of info that will help you find a solution.

Polly44 profile image
Polly44 in reply to Poobah

Hi yes I do take actimel yogert drinks every time I’m on antibiotics now. And definitely don’t drink while oh the antobotics.

The last time this flared up was when I was on the 1000mg amoxicillin and then 2 weeks after finished antibiotics I had a drink ended up in pain again.

Then 2 weeks later went out for Valentine’s Day was drinking then , this time didn’t sleep all weekend because of the pain.

Now on omprezole twice a day and co- omixclave for the hi and morexcella. ( after the last time didn’t feel myself from the Saturday till the Wednesday worse time ever .

It’s funny because I generally don’t drink wine as literally one glass can make me have acid but I can drink Malibu fine. (maybe ive got to stop drinking totally (sobs lol) I am not an alcoholic but do like to go out and drink socially and at times have couple indoors but its not a daily even weekly occurrence, the mad thing is i can be fine for several months then it starts up again and have a couple more flare ups then fine again.

ps just looked up the wine sulfites and now know you mean because of asthma not the acid reflux. My asthma has been totally controlled with montelukast till i got this lung bacteria which ive had since june 2016 but doctors never looked into properly assumed was my asthma and didnt find out until aug 2019 , 8 courses antibiotics later am currently on amoxiclav at present and am actually thinking this one might just do it (fingers crossed) .

I have had alot of antibotics in the last couple of yrs apart from all the ones for this, i had some when this all started (they thought i had a chest infection so 2 lots then pred, then i got a tooth access under 2 teeth and ended up having 2 differnt lots, had more when teeth was removed.

fast forward and now one them every month somtimes 2 week course the last 2 times one week course. so maybe is the antibotics.....

anyway sorry for the essay ha ha

pps just noticed a couple of people saying about stomach pain they are both on Image result for montelukast and stomach pain, just googled and now thinking maybe this drug is causing all my problems. ive been on it 25 yrs tho.

The most common side effects with Singulair include stomach pain, stomach or intestinal upset, heartburn, tiredness, fever, stuffy nose, cough, flu, upper respiratory infection

Thanks for all your advice

Poobah profile image
Poobah in reply to Polly44

It's difficult when new symptoms occur to try and figure out what's caused it.

Elimination can be a good way to drill down to the culprit.

From reading various posts on this site, it appears that acid reflux is a common problem with asthmatics but on the whole people aren't talking about pain.

Pain is definitely telling you some thing's wrong and you certainly don't need it to get any worse.

Interestingly you state you had pain after wine but not malibu. And it sounds like giving up alcohol is not a goer. Maybe stick to spirits for a test period. Get well clear of any antibiotic course before trying wine again and see what happens.

You've had quite a lot of antibiotic courses so it'll take some time for your gut bacteria, with help, to get back on track. Keep up the actimel and even try talking to a pharmacist about a good product for hut health.

Hope you find a resolution.

Poobah profile image
Poobah in reply to Poobah

Not hut health 😂 but gut health.

Polly44 profile image
Polly44 in reply to Poobah

Hi Poobah

well I instantly get the acid come up in my throat (at times not always) but that only happens with just wine so must be something in wine I react to that brings on the stomach acid which maybe why by the end of the night i end up in pain sometimes. I am thinking the same am going to totally not drink wine anymore see how it goes.

It is strange doesn't happen at all on malibu (but hey i could live with being able to drink the malibu only ha ha.

I honestly at this moment have no intention on drinking anything anytime soon. last flare up was not last weekend but weekend before and it was last thursday that my stomach actually felt back to normal.

like i say am on the amoxiclav (till thurs morning) and omprezole and still getting odd bit of heartburn here and there. im sticking with the omprezole for at least a couple weeks after antibotics finished and with actimel too and try get my stomach back to normal before i even think about having a cheeky malibu again.

Thanks I will defo look into a product for gut health, think im going to be very wary for a while after the other weekend. I defo think the antibotics started this off and the wine finished it off and think I went on omprezole a yr or 2 ago and had it for a few months and all my stomach acid stopped just get this pain now and again. I don't even bring up acid but this time ive got the heart burn with it so assuming this must be relux. thanks for all the advice :)

Biggie_McDick profile image

I don’t know if it will help but I’ll tell you my situation.

I’ve been on steroid tablets for decades (for Addisons) and steroid inhalers for 10+ years. My stomach hasn’t really bothers me until the past decade or so.

I also have Crohn’s and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I normally don’t take anything for my stomach and just put it down to my Crohn’s. I have Omeprazole that I take when my stomach is really bad and that often settles things down.

I don’t drink often and can’t link the reflux to any particular cause. I’ve tried avoiding the usual things. Gluten, dairy, alcohol etc and see no difference whether I’m on or off these.

Reading your post brings a link that I’d not considered before. Steroid inhalers and reflux. I’ll be monitoring my use of these things to see if I can find a link there.

I’m not sure it’s worth your while, however, you may consider trying to avoid some of the key triggers for a couple of weeks at a time. I tried a month each for gluten, dairy and alcohol. As I said, none of these made any difference.

Best of luck

Polly44 profile image
Polly44 in reply to Biggie_McDick

Hi ya , to be honest the doctor mentioned the steroid thing which made me wonder, but after reading several posts on here today, a few have mentioned stomach pain from montelukast (which i take also) and on looking up on line today on side effects Stomach pain, heartburn, upset stomach, and long term effects gastritis, dyspepsia, among others.

The only thing is I have been on montelukast for 25 yrs and only had these stomach problem the last 2 yrs ish would I now get side effects after all this time.

It really is a needle in a haystack trying to figure it out isn't it eh.

My problem with trying to avoid things is this for me this stomach pain is so irregular I would not even know if taking things out of my diet etc is helping. I can be fine for several months then it flares up then could get it couple more times over month with a week or 2 in between being totally fine . Then be fine for another few months :-/ .

This latest time I definitely think the antibiotics started it but im not always on antibiotics (although it seems like i am for the past 7 months ha ha. I have had this stomach issue for the last 2 yrs i would say.

Thanks for commenting its always good to get input, I don't think the doctors really bother looking into things properly anymore. If i had came onto this site 2 yrs ago i would have read stuff that would have got me to ask my doctor to do a simple mucus check and I would have not had gone undiagnosed with haemophilus influenzae since june 2016 and now finding it a nightmare to get rid of (praying this last course of antibiotics has done the trick fingers crossed.

robert1957 profile image

Yes it does have

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