Advice on taking Clenil?: I have been... - Asthma Community ...

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Advice on taking Clenil?

13 Replies

I have been started on the brown Clenil inhaler on Monday after being diagnosed with allergic/seasonal asthma... I also take salbutamol too which I am fine with taking, however I have found I am struggling to take in the Clenil... I use my aerospace chamber spacer, but it just seems that when I take it it makes me cough! It doesn’t seem like an irritated cough or my asthma cough, and it certainly doesn’t persist at all, the best way I can describe it is like it’s too much/too strong if that makes sense? I do seem to be better if I take it without my spacer but if anyone had any advice or tips as I know taking it through my spacer lessens some of the side effects and gets more of the medication into my lungs! Thank you in advance!

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13 Replies

Hi Hidden

Sorry to hear you have recently been diagnosed. Getting your inhaler technique is really important, you can take a look at the spacer videos on our website to make sure you're getting it right

There's lots of information here in our living well booklet for you to read that might be useful.

Hope that helps,


in reply to

Thank you for the reply and the helpful advice, the videos were extremely helpful when I was first given my inhalers, my GP, practice nurse and pharmacist have all gone through the technique with me (my GP every time I’m there, as I’ve had three appointments with her before being put on Clenil and a spirometry with the nurse) and I found the videos so helpful the first few times as reassurance! Thank you!

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You can also always call our nurse helpline to talk it through 0300 222 5800 (M-F, 9-5) and they can talk you through any concerns you've got about taking in the Clenil.

Yogamad36 profile image

Hi, clenil is best taken with a spacer as without a spacer you only get 10 % in your lungs and with you get 20 %, some people don't tolerate clenil: Qvar has finer particles and sometimes is tolerated better. All medications have potential side effects but the benefits of taking any medication should outweigh the risks I.e some side effects are tolerable. Hope this helps x There are videos online on inhaler technique: your spacer shouldn't whistle: if it does breathe in more gently x

in reply to Yogamad36

Thank you for all of your helpful advice! I have found the inhaler technique videos so helpful! My spacer too, I always use it with either of my inhalers so I know I’m getting as much in as possible! Yeah, thank you, I can tolerate it as it isn’t particularly bad, it only happens when I first breathe it in like it’s too much or too strong if that makes sense? It’s better if I breathe in at the same time as I press it, like you would when taking it without the spacer, but I do worry if I’m not quite getting enough in if I’m coughing every time.... maybe it will settle the more I get used to it! If it persists I may make an appointment with the nurse to see what she suggests or whether the inhaler just isn’t suiting me! Thanks for you reply and helpful advice!

Yogamad36 profile image
Yogamad36 in reply to

Your welcome, it may just be technique which is causing the cough which it sounds like your working on. Glad you found the videos helpful, the Practice Nurse should check your iinhaler technique at your follow up appointment. Take care x

in reply to Yogamad36

Thank you! I’m hoping so because although I have only been on it a few days it does seem to have made a difference, I haven’t used my salbutamol since Monday night! Yep, she and my Gp have been through it, my Gp checked it Monday and was happy! Maybe I’ve just got to get used to it! Strange how I am fine with the salbutamol though but I guess it’s a stronger med and has much stronger taste/smell so hoping it will settle!

Chip_y2kuk profile image

I found I made me cough for a while while I was getting used to it

In the end it wasn't strong enough for me and I needed a combination inhaler

in reply to Chip_y2kuk

Thank you for replying! Hoping it’s just a case of getting used to it!

Petmad profile image

I had a simular problem at the begining of the year & lasy year (i tend to only take my inhalers when i get a chrsty cold). I also lost my voice. Last year the asthma nuse said that i could not blame the inhaler as i only use it when i am already unwell. This year the GP changed the inhaler, but things did not improve, so the asthma nurse chamged it back. Things improved when i stopped the inhaler. Problem is i do not know if they would have improved anyway as the cold went or thry improved because i stopped using the inahler

in reply to Petmad

Thanks for replying! Yes it’s such a mind field knowing what causes what! X

VentolinAddict profile image

Clenil does have quite a strong taste almost like vodka! I tend to use my spacer and I find if I breathe it in slowly and even in stages I tend to get on better with it. It's a bit of an adjustment I'll admit. My doses and strengths keep getting changed.

in reply to VentolinAddict

Haha! Hadn’t likened the taste to vodka but makes sense with the ethanol in it! Yeah I find the slower I take it the better... thanks for replying x

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