3 month and counting asthma flare up ... - Asthma Community ...

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3 month and counting asthma flare up or something else?

16 Replies

Hi, I got diagnosed with asthma when I was 2 and when I was very little it was very bad according to my parents, but for most of my teens its always been present when I do sports it stops me being able to carry on and other then that I never really wheezed but as it was mainly sport induced and I didn’t really worry as I just didn’t exert myself I took up carpentry when I left school and I’ve been doing this for 3 years now and I haven’t had any asthma attacks or bad stages until suddenly In December I had a day where I was wheezing had a tight chest and couldn’t get the air in, I invested in a mask for work and I found I was fatigued and unfortunately 2 months lasted I had to stop work as I was to exhausted all the time, it’s now beginning of March and my breathing is still the same I always take my montelukast and seretide but my ventolin has never really worked for me, I’m wondering if this is even asthma at all? As it has lasted 3 months can a flare up last this long

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16 Replies
Carriejen profile image

Hi. If you’re worried I’d consult a doctor. I’ve noticed in the last couple of weeks my reliever inhaler doesn’t work as well as it has in the past and I’ve had my daily inhaler changed and it’s making a difference. If you haven’t had a recent review I’d definitely try and get an appointment with a doctor :) good luck

ChrissieMons profile image

It is quite possible that you have another condition which is making you ill. You need to speak to your GP and if necessary insist on seeing a specialist to be sure of what is happening to you. You might have developed an allergy to something, not necessarily to do with your job, you might have had a virus followed by post viral fatigue, there are lots of possibilities. However, I am not a medic and you need to get this sorted out soon. You cannot go on like this. I wish you the best of luck with your search for answers.

in reply to ChrissieMons

I went to see my specialist and we’re going to start looking at the bigger picture and beer away from asthma as my symptoms are abnormal for asthma and more of a persistent airway inflames desease thing, hopefully it’s kothing too bad but I’m on anti biotics and that should clear up any viruses if I have any, cheers

Coastwalker profile image

Idea to check your vitamin D and iron bloods Rickybenfield1990.

in reply to Coastwalker

I did look into vitamin d and asthma and started taking vit d supplements but I’ll look into the iron blood side of things, cheers

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Are you on enough vitamin D3 Rbf1998 ? My hubby turned around his asthma on a high, but safe dose, then in winter had to double it as in winter there is no sunshine (vitamin D known as the sunshine vitamin.) to keep his asthma at bay and not have to use any inhalers at all. His asthma was quite bad and nearly cost him his life a few years ago. (we also found out his type of inhaler could actually make asthma worse and shouldn't be used for long turn use, can you believe ? ) He no longer has any asthma symptoms unless he gets a chesty cold, (so far he hasn't) or gets affected by dogs, but the vit D3 also keeps all colds and flu away if he is on a good high. but safe dose of vitamin D3. vitamindcouncil.com for all illnesses vitamin D is associated with, (which is most illnesses,) and for safe high doses which differ widely from NHS doses.

Low iron levels = low oxygen levels = breathlessness, (also low iron for some can be linked to low iron or ferritin levels, not saying you have low iron, but good to rule it out, best to get an iron panel of bloods done. We had to do our own private bloods to work out Hubby had low iron levels, once he supplemented with iron his symptoms of low iron all fell away.

in reply to Coastwalker

Yeah that’s defiantly something I’m going to look into but after consulting with me specialist the fact that the symptoms are on going means she’s going to look at the bigger picture and look at other chronic lung deseases that it may be but I’m gonna look at doubling my vit d as you say and see if that helps, thank you

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Remember the iron panel bloods too. I also have good vitamin information for COPD and Emphysema too, which has worked for some people I know, yes even Emphysema, we are never told this by main stream medicine, though not saying it works for all, only if you are interested in it that is :)

in reply to Coastwalker

Literally been trying everything even tried Chinese medicine the other week but was so pricey, just want my quality of life back and to go back to work but I’m looking at all sorts of natural remedies and your right the nhs never say anything other then take there pills, I asked about the vit d and magnesium and my specialist said it won’t help but there’s tons of research into the fact vit d does help

Kaussha profile image
Kaussha in reply to

Hi hope you feel better soon. I know your consultant is looking into everything but I note youre a carpenter and all the wood dust could be causing a lot of the symtoms your experiencing? May be worth asking your consultant about this.

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Hi again Rbf1998, Hubby and I also look to natural cures now, usually it is down to lack of nutrition or toxins in our body causing illnesses. We keep off prescription pills and vaccines, they cause far too many other illnesses. 'Specialists' have also let my family members down, we have found answers to our medical problems ourselves and thankfully turned our health around with vitamins and minerals, other wise we would still be ill. For every prescription pill out there, there is a natural cure. Go by your own instinct Rbf1998 and do your own home work. If you want any of the vitamin information, and safe amounts to take (no side effects,) let me know, also there is more information on natural cures that others have used that has worked to help shrink their lung cancer tumors, you wont get told about. (again it may not work for all, but worth looking into if needed.) Good luck. :)

in reply to Coastwalker

Been doing loads of homework aha and the one they don’t tell us about isn’t cannabis oil by any chance is it cause I’ve heard that works wonders!

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Yes that is one of them, worked for a local person, shrunk their lung tumor to pea size. I have heard it works wonders for all sorts too, thankfully it is all coming out more about cannabis oil, but usually once a so called natural 'cure' gets too well known and the big boys hear about it, it pulled from the market, on the pretense it is poisonous or dangerous for us, so people cant use it to cure themselves anymore as Big Pharma want you to use their medicine only. Keeping us ill make them more profit. thetruthaboutcancer.com comes to mind, many here on Health Unlocked know about Ty Bolingers quest for the truth about cancer, his videos interviewing good Drs and health experts are brilliant and will turn everything you know upside down and make you think outside of the box , if you don't already know.

One thing that did cross my mind, you mentioned you have not felt good with your asthma symptoms for around three months, well usually our body stores vitamin D for a month or more after the summer (vitamin D being the so called sunshine vitamin,) then for some we can have a big dip in vitamin D. My husbands asthma if it played up it was always in the winter time, (he too when young had problems when exercising,) in the winter the sun isnt hot enough to store if you are either low or deficient in vitamin D. 85% of us here in UK are either low or deficient in vitamin D3, I was deficient and didnt realize it. Like I said hubby had to double his dose in winter, we worked it out it was down to hubby getting not enough vitamin D, he was taking 5000iu of D3 in Summer, but it wasn't enough for winter months, It may or may not be connected to your type asthma. With D3 you must take vitamin K2, both D3 and K2 are are natural anti inflammatory s.

Also interesting what Kaussha said about your carpentry and wood dust, thankfully I see you have only been doing that for 3 years (but without a mask ??? :o ) Yes definitely do more homework on it all. Get in touch if you cant find the information on vitamindcouncil.com about the high, but safe doses of vitamin D3 that do not require blood tests. Also look into your inhalers as some can actually cause asthma, I believe it might be written on some inserts, I have seen this somewhere and was shocked to read it.

in reply to Coastwalker

Think I’ll up my vitamin d to 2 a day then see if that makes a change, it’s just the winter itself has never made my breathing this bad for so long I’m scared it may be permemnet due to what I’ve breathed in over the last few years but hopefully there’s something that explains it cause I know asthma can change as you grow up and all sorts can happen it can get better or worse and there’s so many different factors involved that it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint where your going wrong in terms of triggers and diet and what your body is lacking

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply to

Yes I would be trying all sorts Rbf1998 and looking at others who have tried things that have worked. Remember to check your iron panel bloods too. As I mentioned before, Dr thought my husband's breathlessness was down to his asthma, it wasn't, we did our own private on line bloods, his breathlessness was down to under range iron blood levels and once he supplemented the breathlessness went away almost overnight. Sadly in the 2 years we wasted the Dr had doubled his inhaler dose guessing he had worse asthma (he didnt) caused muscle weakness and loss of muscle, he looked really ill and weak, then the Dr. 2 yrs later, diagnosed angina instead ???? and prescribed angina spray, asprin and a dangerous statin which causes muscle weakness ???? and more dangerous side effects. He didnt have angina and he didnt collect the prescription. Thankfully we worked it out, sorted the breathlessness, sorted all the vitamins he needed and he has now come through it all and has even got muscle strength and weight back on. Illnesses are mostly either down to Toxins or lack of nutrition, the answer is never found in prescription medications to get to root causes. Keep on searching Rbf1998 :)

brokenbiscuit profile image

Have you had a test for Covid? Likely to have been around in the UK for longer than we think. Maybe request an antibody test.

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