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Any New News on Xolair? How essential oils have helped me be calmer.

lindanut profile image
7 Replies

Hi there I have just been reading some posts about xolar. I am 62 years old and have been an asthma sufferer all of my life. I'm getting my first jab tomorrow but I am apprehensive to say the least because of the frightening stories I have read. I am 62 and because of being poorly most of my life, have looked after myself the best I can but when I am out there in the world, I know their will always be that dreaded trigger. I know the food to steer clear from and know that these days there are more and more chemicals in the air with sprays, laundry powder, general detergents etc.which are just so dangerous for people like you and me., So with all that their is very little in the way of the aforementioned on the market for people like us. I buy Non Bio and clean with bicarb, lemon, etc., I could go on but the main reason Im writing this post is because of my research into xolair. There seems to be some controversy about it and I would like to hear from anyone who has had it or being offered it. The reports on this site are about a year old so there must be some more upto date reviews and experiences.

We learn how to get by but it is pretty miserable at times. Asthma sufferers are always on the prowl for triggers which might start their dreaded attacks. I feel asthma sufferers are lucky in some respects because we are the expert sniffers. For me I know that a trigger could be just about anything anywhere. I know my triggers but in the main, they are invisible!

I have recently got into essential oils. I always thought they were perfumes but there is a vast difference. Essential oils are what they say they are, they are essentially a plant oil and when you find the right ones, can help immensely with making the air more pleasant. Not only do they smell wonderful but they can calm one down in a jiffy and with the know how, help one breath. Are these the things we were given half a century ago? My first inhaler was head over a bowl of hot water and something in the water to help clear my airways. I then got a more up to date prescriptions and they have been updated virtually every couple of years. Xolair is the latest and meeting the criteria is quite difficult I am lead to believe. My blood said 163 so Im one of the lucky ones to be offered it, or am I. As you will know, many of the asthma drugs make the patient highly strung. I have been highly strung for far too many years but of late with help of meditation and essential oils, I am totally different. Albeit I still struggle breathing. As with most asthmatics, it has had such an impact on my day to day life that I have had to change my lifestyle around it as we do. There is always someone out there worse than me. I have decided to take an aromatherapy course. to try and get educated on this subject and how it can help me and my fellow asthmatics. . I know there is life outside the pharmaceuticals and chemicals. Please throw away those store bought smells and do yourself a favour, buy some real essential oils and diffuse them around the home and work place. My home and my place of work are both sanctuaries now and must be helping in their own way. I know I am so much calmer and don't get as anxious. My doctor prescribed depression drugs to counteract the side effect my phyllocontin was giving me. I no longer need them I am glad to say. When one gets used to the smells from real aromas instead of the fake aromas, one can spot a fake smell anywhere even before it makes their asthma start. Look for a supplier who is authentic and ask the questions about where they have come from, read up on their properties. They are very popular in the states. Why are we so far behind. I urge those of you out there with breathing difficulties to look into essential oils as a complimentary medicine. Not to take them internally but to use them instead of chemical perfumes around the house. Not only do most of them smell amazing, their properties are amazing too. Im loving the comments I get when people come into my therapy room. I love the very fact that they don't make me cough and if they do, then I know for sure I have bought one which has been adulterated with a chemical.

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lindanut profile image
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7 Replies
Jenzzie18 profile image

Evening. I have been on xolair since February this year. My blood IGE was at 560, although it had hit 900 a couple of months before. I have been on prednisone since May last year and had 24 a&e visits and 7 admissions. This is the most uncontrolled it has been ever. So I was diagnosed with severe atopic allergic asthma back at Christmas. The xolair has helped in that I don't her set off quite so easily by things but it hasn't totally solved the problems. As soon as I get too tired or stressed I find myself

Back in the unable to breath situation. And with 3 kids under 7 and working full time as a PE teacher this is quite common. Xolair makes me really tired and itchy for about 48 hrs after and I do now have to carry and epipen too. But honestly life is a little better on it. Hope you have positive reactions with it. Let us all know.


lindanut profile image
lindanut in reply to Jenzzie18

Hi there Jenzzie. Thank for your prompt reply. I wonder how on Earth you are managing to bring your children up. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for reassuring me and I will keep you posted. What do you think about the Essential Oil approach?

Jenzzie18 profile image
Jenzzie18 in reply to lindanut

I have to say a lot of help from friends and family. I am willing to try anything that may help. However I do have a citrus allergy so have to be careful around sents that I can use. Do you find any ones in particular better than others? X

lindanut profile image

The essential oils I like for me are Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Chamomile,Tea Tree, Rosemary, Oregano, Clary-Sage, Frankincense and Geranium. I don't use them all on my body though, some are for diffusers only to clear the air of fungus, bacteria etc.. I use Chamomile,Clary-Sage & Frankincense in a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut oil on the bottom of my feet every day. This suits me and really works for me. I would suggest you saw a qualified aromatherapist to try something which may be suitable for yourself before you go off buying because they are really very expensive to just play around with. I have learnt the hard way but I got there in the end. You really do have to know your suppliers and there are some serious sharks out there.

Hope this helps.

Love and Light


Lindahj203 profile image

Such an interesting post, and I have a box of essential oils, which I will be using more often now. I have a couple of house plants, one of which recently started flowering, and I have wondered whether it is a trigger for my allergic rhinitis. With summer at last here in Scotland, I have put the house plant outside, to see if there is any difference.

lindanut profile image
lindanut in reply to Lindahj203

Wow! Would be good to hear how you have done with your oils. You only need one or two drops of the oils for them to work but don't forget, you MUST use a carrier oil. 👍🏽

M-D-F profile image

I'm on xolair and haven't died yet, stop worrying if it helps your asthma take it. On all drugs there is a risk!

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