Asthma..yes..Constant Infection..yes!... - Asthma Community ...

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Asthma..yes..Constant Infection..yes! What could cause it?

17 Replies

Hi everone, thanks for replying to my 'asthma vs infection' post! Your advice was really good.

I have still been unwell with my chest! My asthma is uncontrolled, and i am on apparantly to my doctor, the most steriods he can give me! These are Becotide 2 puffs 4 times a day, Servent 2 puffs twice a day. Ventolin, before any excercise, when i wake up as i battle with wheezing and coughing fits! And when needed obviously during an attack!

I have been going to my gp, a few times every month. But each time i am put on medication for chest and lung infections, it seems like every few weeks i get an infection! And i am constantly on different anti-biotics especially amoxicillin! I was wondering, could this be masking something a little more serious, i am getting very worried about it! I shoulnt be getting this much infections, and he wonders why i keep on seeing him all the time.

I am going back on Tuesday, but my dad will be with me this time, because i am going for something else, but i am going to bring the subject up! He doesnt believe me, althought he does notice now that i keep on getting ill! Thing is is getting to my school work, my attendance at school is now 51.9% how rubbish! Any help would be greatfully recieved, especially those on here that are like a walking pharmacy!


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17 Replies

Bless you!! Really feel for you.

I've had a on going chest infection for 2 months. I had to give a sputum sample which came back clear. I had 3 lots of blood took last thursday, just to check to see if there is a problem.

Has your doctors done any tests?

Really hope you feel better soon. I know how frightening it is!

Julie XX

Hi, no my doctor has not done any tests. The only thing he has done is listen to my chest, done a peakflow and then said 'right it seems as thought you have yet another chest and or lung infection, take more medication, you'll be ok in a week.' Well a week comes im still bad, after third week if i am lucky it clears up, but it seems about once a month i am treated for infections! I just think it could be masking something more serious- but i dont know what! So i was wondering if any on here could help, i am stuck now!


Holly- May x

Hi Mae,

There are other things your GP can do.

I am guessing you are quite young still. Ask your doc if you can try Singulair, it has been a real success for my daughter, and enabled her to reduce the steroids she is taking. Also ask if you can change to a combination inhaler, as they are more efficient than taking the drugs separately, seretide or symbicort. are the names. Ask if you can have allergy tests done that might give you a clue.

But essentially you have to take control of the situation. Ask for a Peak Flow meter, and keep a peak flow diary, then when you next go to the doctor you can show him/her what has been happening. Take your medicine when you are meant to, its hard to remember sometimes, particularly if you feel ok.

If you do these things, and are still unwell, then you should ask to be refered to a consultant.

Lots of Asthmatics get constant infections, it goes with the territory. If your lungs are all red and inflamed, its easy for a virus/ infection to take hold.

good luck with the doctor


Hi Mae,

There are other things your GP can do.

I am guessing you are quite young still. Ask your doc if you can try Singulair, it has been a real success for my daughter, and enabled her to reduce the steroids she is taking. Also ask if you can change to a combination inhaler, as they are more efficient than taking the drugs separately, seretide or symbicort. are the names. Ask if you can have allergy tests done that might give you a clue.

But essentially you have to take control of the situation. Ask for a Peak Flow meter, and keep a peak flow diary, then when you next go to the doctor you can show him/her what has been happening. Take your medicine when you are meant to, its hard to remember sometimes, particularly if you feel ok.

If you do these things, and are still unwell, then you should ask to be refered to a consultant.

Lots of Asthmatics get constant infections, it goes with the territory. If your lungs are all red and inflamed, its easy for a virus/ infection to take hold.

good luck with the doctor


Hi Rihobbs,

Yes I am quite young, I am 13. What is singulair? I do keep a peak flow diary, it used to be in 400’s and now is 300 or under! Usually around 200. I am out of breath walking around and on stairs. I do all these things on a regular basis, and have been unwell for many months now! I would ask for a for a refferal to see a consultant but I don’t know what to say! And I am practically permanently on antibiotics now, and its getting to be beyond a joke! And I am loosing the will to live! PLEASE HELP ME SOMEONE! IM LOOSING THE WILL TO LIVE!!!!!!!

Holly- May x

Singulair is a Monolukast, it is a Lukotriene inhibitor. It works for allergic asthma. It does not work for everyone, but for some people it is amazing. It is a pill, you take it once a day at night. You have to take it for about a month to see the benefit. Although a consultant recently told me that, its worth continuing for longer. I tried it and it did not work for me, but it has been wonderful for my daughter. In the US there is some evidence that it is more successful in younger people. I think if you are still having problems with your GP you should call/ e.mail the asthma nurses here. They are incredibly helpful, and may be able to give you personal advice that I cannot.



Thanks, will ask my doctor about it, i guess its worth a try eh? Holly- May x

If your doctor thinks that you're currently on as many steroids as he can give you, then he's clearly not following the BTS guidelines on treating asthma! There are many other treatments that can be given (including montelukast, as RiHobbs mentioned) - some of which may be an alternative to some of the things you are on, and some of which may be in addition to those things.

Not quite sure about your dad not believing that you're ill, despite your school attendance being so low? Surely he's noticed that!

Holly-May, as I said in response to your previous post, I find it very strange that neither your parents, your school or your GP seem concerned about the situation. It is simply not the case that he can't put you on any more medication, if your symptoms are as bad as you say, then he can and should increase your treatment. If he is not happy about doing so for some reason then he should be referring you to a respiratory physician.

Again the only thing I can think of to suggest is what I suggested in the last thread - find an adult who will listen to you and who you trust, maybe a relative or someone at school, and talk to them about how you are feeling. Then go and see your doctor or another one at the practice, with your peak flow charts and preferably with the adult you have spoken to, and explain frankly what is going on. If he doesn't give you a satisfactory answer, ask for a referral to the hospital to get to the bottom of it all.

Hope this helps and you get somewhere,



Sorry to hear you are suffering so much. Have you ever considered allergy testing for foods? I have found that if I eliminate certain foods from my diet, my asthma almost vanishes! Last year during pollen season, I eliminated dairy products and whea t from my diet and I only needed 2 anti-histamine tablets throughout the whole season, whereas I would normally be taking them every day and still suffering loads.

A friend of mine was on very high steroid dosages and put on a lot of weight because of this. He was constantly wheezing to the point he could hardly do anything at all! He went to see this homeopath guy who put him on a strict diet eliminating certain foods. Within a few months he had completely come off the steroids! Amazing! His asthma is now completely under control and rarely needs medication.

What have you got to lose? If it is possible to control it a little with diet, it has got to be better for you.


Hmm, not sure about apparently randomly adjusting your diet!

Yes, food allergies should always be considered, but patch testing and the advice of a dietician - under the close control of your GP/consultant - is much safer.

Hmm, not sure about apparently randomly adjusting your diet!

Yes, food allergies should always be considered, but patch testing and the advice of a dietician - under the close control of your GP/consultant - is much safer.

It's also never a good idea to advise anyone under the age of 16 to stop using dairy products unless there's a medical reason.

Thanks pete that reply worried me too but didnt know how to put a reply but you did so well

andrea xx

Steve, what have I told you before about imitating Pete?! ;) hehe

me and pred head sorry ment thanks steve!! oh well got the gender right at least he he xxxx

I know exactly what you are saying, over the last three years I have had so many chest infections it is no longer a joke. I have lost 3 jobs due to ill health and find itvery difficult to hold down a permanent position, in one year I had 11 weeks off work with various chest infections. I am now being treated with ventoline, seretide, montelukast and various antibiotics as and when I get an infection. The doctors even thought I had Bronchietasis which, when I had a CT scan proved negative.

I was in a similar situation, all I can say is this is what I changed: always put toilet seat down before flushing, keeping toothbrush etc away from toilets. Wear a mask when cleaning or going out as I found a slight breeze would start infection. Clean twice a week to keep dust etc under control.

I also had a cortisone course. I have not had any infections in 3 years. Xx

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