i dont seem to be getting any support. - Asthma Community ...

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i dont seem to be getting any support.

5 Replies

hi im new to this site as im at my wits end!

my daughter age 10 has been admitted to hospital at least 13 times this year alone and is hospital at the moment. she is on a variety of meds including seratide, ventolin, montelukast, slo-philin and citerizine plus constantly on pred after having a bad attack. i have been told that she is on the max doses they can give her yet she is still having attacks and admissions to hospital. i have asked to be given nebs at home but i have been told they wont give me one as too many parents give it to their children when it is not needed, i am at a loss as to what to do next as she only seems to be getting worse and the doctors have no sugestions what to do with her. she is also suffering from acute sinusitis and has a bad time with tonsilitis so has constantly been on antibiotics for about 4weeks. i feel so helpless can anyone suggest what i can do.

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5 Replies
yaf_user681_15459 profile image

just passing through quickly but wanted to say i can empathise greatly with your desperation. Sounds like youre having a really rough time.

Can you ask your daughters consultant whether they can look for any underlying cause for her Asthma? Has she had any tests done?

This weather is sooo horrid for Asthma too. At present my husband and both daughters are on Pred after all having had attacks in the last week!

Big hugs, hope you can get to the bottom of this and for help to come along soon.


Just wanted to offer you some support, can't imagine what you must be going through. Which hospital is your daughter under? is it a territorial asthma centre? if not then it would deffiently be worth getting a referal to one, (Brompton in London or Heartlands in Birmingham are the main ones tho there are others) It might be a good idea to get a 2nd opinion. Would agree with Emily35 that looking into the cause of all her attacks would be a good idea too. Another idea might be to ring the auk helpline which is in the top left hand of the screan it is manned by asthma nurses who are very very good and offer great support and advice. Does your daughter have an asthma nurse? does she offer you any support?

Alice x


angievere profile image

So sorry to hear of your predicament. My teenage son's consultant says the same, ie he is on maximum meds and nothing else they can do. We were fortunate that our old GP let us have home nebs so when my son was particularly ill we could administer the neb without having to take him to hospital. There has been a shift in opinion on home nebs in recent years and our surgery wont allow them anymore to new patients (We still have nebules on repeat prescription as GP knows we are very experienced - I am a lifelong asthmatic myself).

Sinuses/throat problems and rhinitis are all linked in with asthma - my son has severe rhinitis which made his life a misery until recently. Have you tried a sinus rinse? Son also takes extra vits and I am sure that has helped his immunity system. It's not a cure but a useful add-in.

Is your daughter under a consultant - if not I would push for that. And has she got an asthma plan? You could ask for home nebs as part of the plan eg you administer neb when she reaches such and such a stage, at the same time as taking her to hospital.

Your daughter has probably missed loads of school too, like my son, and that is another worry/pressure. I do feel for you.

Please feel free to PM me. xx


I can sympathise with you.Has anyone suggested trying the other forms of inhlers ( sorry cant spell). the briconyl and pulicort turbohalers. I was changed on to these and it has made my asthma more manageable, with the nebs at home, i have these and it can hide more problems and make the attack worse if other med like magnesium etc can be given or are needed which in a adult is terrifing let alone in a child.The other thing i doubt they have told you is long term pred use can cause problems with stomach so your consultant should have advised you to give her a pro biotic yogurt. if you are not happy with the consultant you see ask to see another most hospital have more than 1 res doctor and one will listen trust me it takes a while

i hope she gets better and you manage to get it under control

thank you for all your support.

my daughter is under a consultant and the asthma nurses are great. they have just taken bloods to see if there are any triggers but thats about it at the moment. we dont have a set asthma plan but i will discuss this at our next appoinment so thank you for that suggestion. for her recent bout of sinusitis she is on antibiotics, eye drops and nasel spray but it seems to be taking an auwfully long time to shift and she is still in pain but fortuntley she is under an eye specialist and ENT so that particular problem is well in hand.

i just hope that we can get through the x-mas holidays without another trip to the hospital fingers crossed.

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