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Lung Conditions Community Forum

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All posts for November 2012

do you think i should get dla

hi all i have emphysema arthritus of my spine hip and fibromyalgia. i have sever...
annrotherham profile image


Just came on for a quick look,and its seems from a few posts,that there has yet ...
poeticlady profile image

Hi, can enyone help me, lately I have had terrible bouts of depression, not sad but aggitated and weepy,

I read one of your blogs that there is anotther med you can take for this which ...
squirell profile image
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Low bp ,nausea

Been for a short walk today,haven't been out for a while ,was out of puff wen I ...
Hidden profile image

Poor breathing with Sarcoidosis

Went to see my consultant yesterday. My breathing has been getting worse over th...
Hidden profile image


My friend is considering going on the transplant list now her condition has dete...
bewildered profile image

do you get pain with emphezima

i have copd but i dont have pain, i use oxegine all the time, i am waiting for a...

Christmas is fast approaching?

I am wondering how many of us will be able to enjoy Christmas in the traditional...
Hidden profile image

The Ct and Endoscope found a small tumor in one of my lungs

Found out yesterday on top of everything else have to cope with no I have a lump...
Hidden profile image

visit to the immuologist

Because my immune system is hitting rock bottom I had a consultatation the the I...
Hidden profile image

Looking after someone with a lung disease booklet.

Good Morning Everybody. If anybody would like a copy of our booklet for carer...
Jo_BLFHelpline profile image
British Lung Foundation

The increase in domestic wood burning heating and smoke

I live out in the country and i find when we have weather as we are having now t...

Exercise for people over 50

Exercise for people over 50 Begin by standing on a comfortable surfacewhere you...

If walking up stairs is hard due to COPD can you ask to use lifts staff are not allowed to use them only customers is this descrimanation??

hearty123 profile image

Nausea/light headed

Iv had a tummy bug for wks,it's under investigation,however last couple of days ...
Hidden profile image

Anti biotics or steroids??

Hi, Think I'm starting the chesty cough my family have all had last week.?? Do...
Fantasy3 profile image

Home Heat Helpline

Good Morning Everyone I hope everybody is feeling well today in this mild, damp...
Jo_BLFHelpline profile image
British Lung Foundation

Flu jab for you and your partner reminder.

Like most with severe or very severe copd I have had my flu jab protection. But,...
derrylynne profile image

Inhaler help please

I was diagnosed with COPD about two years ago and my current FEV1 was 67%. ( I a...
andrewt4783 profile image

copd end case should i let doctors let my father die by withdrawing his by pack mask they have wanted to do that for the last year when ill

y father is end case copd and has been for the last 2 years and has been in hosp...
bobless profile image

How does a nippy work

Katehs profile image

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

A while ago, I emailed my local MP about OSA, as we were encouraged to do. I ha...
Spritz profile image

Hi has any one else heard or got endometriosis on the lungs I no it's very rare but it would be so good to talk to some one else who has it

Franco12345 profile image

How to check if your boiler works.

Hi Everyone Check out the website below .
Hidden profile image

really worried

The doctor told me my lungs are better than his, told me not too worry about bei...
Mad_Hatter profile image

What nice drinks are there?

Am going on the waggon today :-( :-( I think the wine is upsetting my sleep I s...
pollyjj profile image

I was told last week that I have asbestosis.I was wondering if anybdy else is the same.Thankyou

george68 profile image

how is everyone feeling today

Just for a change i would ask how everyone else is feeling today instead of all ...
kay1400 profile image

pulmory rehab

Ive been recommended to go for pulmory rehab could anyone tell me what goes on t...
kay1400 profile image

haemyphylius influenzae can i have the flu jab safley

is it safe to have the flu jab if ive been trying to get rid of haephylius infle...
kay1400 profile image