What do they tell from chest xray - Lung Conditions C...
What do they tell from chest xray

they can tell scaring from infections you have had,
also the following can be seen:
Pulmonary oedema
Pleural effusion
Hyperinflated lungs
Surgical emphysema
Lung consolidation causes
lobar patterns
understand the concept of an air bronchogram
Lung collapse lobar
secondary to ET tube
Lung masses
Widened mediastinum
Abnormal hila
Opaque hemithorax and causes thereof
Fractured ribs and significance of a flail segment and upper rib fractures
They can tell if you have an infection but they wont be able to show if you have emphysema. A CT scan is needed for that.
The presence emphysema can be suspected on routine chest radiography but this is not a sensitive technique for diagnosis. Large volume lungs with a narrow mediastinum and flat diaphragms are the typical appearances of emphysema In addition, the presence of bullae and irregular distribution of the lung vasculature may be present. In more advanced disease, the presence of pulmonary hypertension may be suspected by the prominence of hilar vasculature. The chest X-ray is not a very good indicator of the severity of disease and will not be able to identify patients with COPD without significant emphysema. However, the chest X-ray is useful to look for complications during acute exacerbations and to exclude other pathology such as lung cancer.
I have had 13 years with copd and before that a life of asthma with my sister so this is just what I have learnt by asking and reading over the years
Phew! Can you include a medical dictionary next time please jonhswife...
Bev x
I can see you are becoming a very useful member of this forum johnswife!
In simple terms mogsy,they can tell if your lungs are knackerd or not..........
Need trip to Specsavers: read the above as "In simple terms moggy can tell you if your lungs are knackerd...." Now have very cross puddytat.
A friend of mine who is a retired staff nurse told me that an X-Ray can also tell which part of the lungs is damaged - the top, middle or bottom. Depending on which, different medication or dosage should be given. I told her I haven't had an X-Ray since I was diagnosed with COPD and she was horrified!
Bev x
an xray spotted a minute lymph node on my lung which resulted in partial lung removal which saved my life,get an x ray whenever it is offered