She is a very anxious person and this doesn't help either! Does anybody know a relaxation program she could follow or something that could relax her? She doesn't want to read nor listen to music and she is very distressed (understandably) and panicky all the time...we would like to help her...Thanks
Hello, unfortunately my mother-in-law... - Lung Conditions C...
Hello, unfortunately my mother-in-law is in hospital spending her last weeks coping with this horrible disease(pulmonary fibrosis)...

I am so sorry to read this, have you spoken to her doctors and made them aware of the situation? There are many medications available that will ease her anxiety and panic and make her more comfortable.
I do not recommend buying her a lavender pillow if she is in hospital on a respiratory ward as she wont be allowed to use it as scents can affect others greatly with respiratory conditions such as asthma or allergies.
Best of luck to your mother in law xxx
thanks very much, we might try this. If you know anybody reliable in the Nothern Ireland area it would be great
No i can say i find CD's particularly relaxing either when im finding it hard to breath. Im often prescribed small doses of morphine to help with breathlessness and lorazepam, just enough to take the edge off the anxiety and make it more manageable, is this something they have tried or been suggested? Sorry to be suggesting medication when you are looking for alternative ideas, however with a little medication she may feel relaxed enough to take pleasure in Cd's etc. I hope together you find a solution xxx
If it is reasonably certain that these are indeed her 'last weeks', can you not enquire about getting 'hospice at home' as this is the preferred and usual option at end of life for those with lung disease. If there is some reason why home is not an option, then ask for her to be admitted to a hospice.
If you go to the above link it will take you to the BLF pages on end of life care, palliative care etc. (if my link isn't 'live', just copy paste it into your search and go to the page that way.

Many thanks, we'll look into this
I am so sorry to read how your mother in-law is, I lost my dad to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 3 months ago so I do understand. You must speak to whoever is in charge to get medication for her that will relax her and make her as comfortable as possible. As you know, this is an awful disease and please don't take this the wrong way but I know of many people that have suffered terribly at the end with this and you must do anything and everything in your power to make sure this doesn't happen to your mother in-law.
Thinking of you x
Has she tried Yoga Nidra, a form of Yoga Relaxation? There are some CD 's on the Internet, although I would recommend the one made by my Yoga Teacher in London. There is a series of 6 and would advise you just purchase the 1st one in the series to begin with.
You will need to download the booking form and send a cheque to order it.
I would recommend this to anyone, all one has to do is lay down and follow the instructions.
All good wishes,
Can you get your mother referred to the local hospice for palliative care?.They offer many services for people with life limiting illness and provide emotional.spiritual and practical support to them and their families. Try searching using Google for local hospice information.
All the best,