My Mum has it and is feeling very isolated ,it would be great of there was somewhere she could go and meet up with others who understand.
Hi,Can anyone please tell me if there... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi,Can anyone please tell me if there is any support groups for people with pulmonary fibrosis in the Wirral?

Hi my name is Sue,I run a support group in Frodsham for people and their carers with Interstitial Lung Diseases if that is any help ? We meet every 4 weeks in the local health centre.You are more than welcome to join us if its not too far for you to travel.
Sorry I couldn't help. My mum has IPF and that's why I started the group so she could chat to others in her position. I will ask about for you.
Thanks Sue,my Mums had it for a few years now but has deteriorated a lot this year its getting her so down and I know it would help her having someone else who has it and understands .
Hi again, dont know if its any use to her but there is a breathe easy support group in Moreton at the community centre every second Tuesday in the month 2-3 pm( its advertised on the web site).
my mum has had it for 7 years now and is deteriorating now too. its a real shame she couldnt get here we have a lovely bunch in the group and keep each other going. take care